Meltdown Day

Can’t seem to flee the puns…

Today I had a bit of a breakdown. If you know me at all, you know it doesn’t take a whole lot to get me crying. Good or bad, I’m a teary girl. Not a bad thing, I don’t think, but a very real characteristic of mine.

The pumps have been running for a couple of days/nights now, and while I was finding that “idling truck” sound calming, knowing things were being fixed, I woke up this morning to that sound, and felt so frustrated. Now, that sound seems to have changed into a constant reminder that we are in chaos. I know, it sounds terribly ungrateful, and I truly am wildly thankful for all the work being done. It seems as though the gravity hasn’t hit until this morning, and I feel like I couldn’t level out. I went outside and checked the situation out. It looks great, honestly. The water had gone down incredibly! We have yard! Not lots, but some anyway. WAY more than yesterday. Our driveway is super muddy but not inches deep in water. Everything is really looking up, but there is the lignering knowledge of the grid road out west still teetering on the possibility of flooding out my home, and that seems to be driving me batty.

I know myself, and I know that I am being irrational. But the fact that I hadn’t cried about our situation also was building it was bound to burst sooner or later. I completely lost it during a phone call with my mom. She urged me to invite someone over, or to busy myself with unrelated things, or listen to music. I admit, I didn’t do much of that, and I wasn’t social either. What i did do was wash my hair, put on clothes, and do my makeup. I felt refreshed and more like a human after that. It was also conveniently timed, as CTV came by for a follow up interview, and I was red and puffy only moments before they arrived! After that, Dekker and I went downstairs to play. I know, downstairs is sometimes a dismal place, but our house was pretty warm and it was cooler down there. Plus there were more toys for Dekker. And if we stayed upstairs, the pump sounds were going to make me crazy. So downstairs with the TV on was our afternoon. I actually picked up crocheting for my first time in months and got back on a project I started quite some time ago. It kept me nice and occupied, and I feel like I just took an afternoon off of the flood and the craziness.

Brady came home from work just after 6pm with flowers. That helped. I wish I had a tidier spot to place them but for now they’ll just sit amongst the mess that is currently my life and home. Pink makes everything better.

Dekker is down for the night and Brady is making his lunch for work tomorrow. The bath is running and even over the sound of it, I can hear that the pumps are running as well. Gonna duck outside and check the yard over before I lose light.

All things summed up, this was the biggest challenge day so far, and it should have been the best, but reality hits at strange times sometimes. I’m thankful to have improvement in the chaos, huge pumps, and a baby that giggles when I blow my nose after crying my face off.