A Peaceful Morning

Once again, I was able to sleep in this morning. Its amazing how much faster I’m getting better compared to my usual sicknesses. Sleep makes ALL the difference! With that, we’re going to bed nice and early, too, so Brady is still very well rested even though he’s getting up with the kids each morning. We’ve both greatly enjoyed the layout of this week, save for the sickness, of course. Its been a real treat to sleep in each day and heal from my cold so much faster than I normally do. Especially considering my pregnancy, and how there is far less I can do to manage my sickness! This has turned out pretty well 🙂 I still sound terrible, but I could breathe while laying down yesterday, so I’ll take all the progress I can get!

Brady left around 9:00 this morning to get to work, and its been a pretty lovely morning since then. Solly was fighting the power pretty hard to begin with, crying on and off for quite a while for seemingly no reason, but after some snuggles, he wandered off to find a blanket, and he’s been fine ever since. Meanwhile, Laela and Rowan have been sitting at the island, reading books, all morning. I love that. They’re currently reading through an alphabet book, and while they occasionally ask for my input (Is “S” for lettuce? Oh, salad, oops!) they’re doing a fabulous job on their own! I’m super proud of my little bunch of smarties.

In a little while, we’ll all have lunch and everyone will lay down for a rest. Then, we’ll pick Dekker up from school and go to an ultrasound all together. Its been almost two weeks and I’m pretty twitchy and anxious to see that little babe in there. I’m trying to remind myself that my symptoms are still present, and that should be reassuring. But guys, it just isn’t. Not for me. I felt at least some degree of nausea until the day I delivered Jamin, even though he had passed roughly two weeks before we found out. My boobs hurt the entire time. All of those little reassurances that so many people carry, I just can’t carry them anymore. I can ONLY carry Gods promise, which I believe to be the best answer! But its a hard answer, too. Trust me, I understand why people who do not believe in God think those of us who do sound crazy. We just have to let go of everything, and trust some “God” to take care of things. It sounds crazy, but WOW do I believe it to be truth! None of this is under my control. None of it. And if God wasn’t in control, it would be a far less hopeful situation. I would likely just give up. But THANK GOD FOR GOD!!! His eye is on the sparrow, and I KNOW He watches me.

If we can make it through lunch without any yelling or fighting, this should all roll out to be a pretty great day! Wish us luck!!