Bringing Home Baby

I know I promised everyone Rowan’s birth story when we got home, but today was about other things that I’d rather talk about. Don’t worry, I will not deprive you of the story of his birth. It will come! But I can very genuinely say that this evening, my adrenaline is wearing off, and my hormones are amping up. I was dozing amidst the family before 7:00pm. So this will be a scattered post, but something, nonetheless!

We had a shockingly smooth first night with Rowan! He gave us nice, 4-4.5 hour stretches between his feedings, so Brady and I could sleep. I slept pretty light, on my mommy-alert for my new babe, and I nudged Brady awake when I heard stirring and gurgling. (No, I’m not cruel, and would have happily got Rowan myself, but my epidural did funny things and my right leg was fairly dead to me for most of the night. Its back now.) Brady found Rowan, laying wide awake, quietly talking and sucking his hands. This kid is surprisingly relaxed.

We spent the morning passing all of the little tests and being checked for any number of things, which resulted in our being discharged right after lunch. We also were able to get my mom in to visit during the morning, which was so perfect! My dad is traveling with his work this week, so my mom was on her own and we really wanted her to meet the baby! Jerilee was home with Dekker and Laela, and we figured we’d probably be sent home before legitimate visiting hours started up at 2:30, so we made a point to call up my mom and invite her 🙂 We wanted a visitor and she wanted to visit! We had a lovely time with her, watching her bond with our beautiful Rowan Toby, and telling her all about our experience this time around. Really, really nice.

As I mentioned, we were allowed to leave right after lunch. Brady went to grab our coats and the car seat from the van while Ro and I had a little snuggle date and I ate my lunch. We left shortly thereafter, but not before my iv site bled through the bandage and all over the sheets. Good thing we got that mess out of the way before we were in the elevator or the van. I love not having to clean up my own blood.

Ro tolerated his car seat great, and travelled like a champ. Once we got home, we got him and his Auntie Jerry acquainted while we waited for the kids to get up from their nap. She snuck out before they got up, and she was the first thing Dekker asked about when we went in for them. We got in lots of hugs and kisses and we all got reacquainted with each other, while Rowan hung out in his cradle in our room, waiting for his turn.

And then I carried him in to meet his siblings. Dekker was very, very shy. He just wanted to sit on Bradys lap, a respectful distance away. I’m not too surprised. He did the same with Laela. It took a few days. He never disliked her, but was pretty cautious. I see the same thing happening here. But Laela was in there like a dirty shirt. My predictions were right. She really likes to poke him. We have to watch her. Her very first move was poking him right on the nose, then poking my nose, and lastly, poking her own nose. Yup, we all have noses, in case you didn’t know.

The kids had a really easy supper, and then we all played in the basement around Roro in his bouncy chair. Laela wanted to bring him everything and poke him in the face a lot, and Dekker wanted to sit on our laps and not a whole lot else. All in all though, it is wonderful being home! I am so comfortable here. While we had a wonderful room at the hospital, great staff, and even yummy food, I would so much rather be here among those I know and love the most. Plus, my bed and my tub and my food makes all the difference 🙂 Its good to be home.

Ro has successfully slept away the earlier part of the evening, and is having a nice long stretch of wakeful time right now. Hopefully that means he’ll give us a nice stretch of sleep before night feedings begin again. We have been without them for about ten months, but if having Rowan in our home means they’re back, bring them on!

For a while anyway…


We’re just feeling sooooo grateful for the peaceful, gentle, calm entry little Rowan has made into the world. I just GRIN like a fool knowing your family is under one roof and can have a day of bonding tomorrow. You have done exceptionally well little Momma. (You’ve even earned several days of 2-3 sentence blogs :-)))


I am also quite relieved that we can all spend some quiet time together tomorrow, but any and all guests are welcome sooner than later 😉 Thank you for rooting for us!!!