Childish but True

This is all going to sound silly to probably every reader, but its the truth in our home so just bear with me!

Brady has had a bit of a lull in his work the last little while, and we’ve grown very accustomed to spending days together. I had help with the kids, Brady got to see the little ones way more, and we could go out for days to the city and get stuff done at our own pace. However, this month, we have been booked every single day. His work has been busier than it has been probably since Christmas. Every. Day. And that has been kind of a huge adjustment for me. Again, I know most people work every day, but its just a change for us. Today, Brady actually made it home an hour or two early, and we determined that we neeeeed time together!

So tonight is the night we are finally moving Laela out of our room! I hope she doesn’t read this one day and think we disliked her in any way. We don’t, sweetheart! But last night, she woke up to us draining the tub, and she wept and wept until we got her, let her cool off, fed her, and put her back down. All of a sudden she is the lightest sleeper in the world, and thats not ok. We need our time to wind down at the end of the day without living in fear of her waking.

The kidlets have been napping together for a few weeks now probably, and Laela can cry and fuss and talk and Dekker miraculously sleeps through the whole thing 😀 This gives me hope, thats for sure! I’m a bit nervous about the morning, as L wakes up much earlier than D, but who knows! Maybe being out of our room will help somehow? I don’t know. We’ll see.

I was hoping to wait until a night that would lead into a day we all had together, but Brady is off again to do some awesome volunteer work at Redberry Bible Camp, and helping finish up some projects and get the camp ready to go for the year. I’m in full support, but I’d also really love to have him around a touch more.

I guess we have to be adults. Sigh.

Sleep in peace, everyone. I’m sure hoping I’ll be in dreamland as well!


Reading this now in the morning , I pray you had a blessed night !! Things change and baby’s grow up. You definately love your Laela, no question there , but sometimes we have to give them little pushes . 🙂
I pray for a lovely day today with your kiddies!! So excited to see you soon!!! Love you!!