Christmas Shopping 2015

We spent all day today Christmas shopping! I always look forward to this day, yet it usually looks different. Brady and I often do at least a chunk of it kid-free, but we didn’t have that option until much later into December, and I’m already feeling SO behind this season! So we got everyone pumped up about the day ahead, threw them all into their new winter jackets (because it was SO COLD today!) and got on the road mid-morning.

I’ve got to say, we CRUSHED it today!! We got everywhere we wanted to, cleared the list of things that we were hoping to accomplish today, and we did it in good time with great attitudes from everyone involved! Clearly someone was praying for us today, because MAN!, it could have been different, with three of us under the weather. It was a huge success, and Brady and I both feel like it was an incredibly smooth day.

I know its weird to talk about money, and I don’t much care to, but if you’ve been following me for any length of time really, you’ll know that we do a little savings thing through the year so that, regardless of Brady’s work load, we don’t have to be broke over Christmas. By the end of October, we’ve saved roughly $1500, and that is meant to cover Christmas, top to bottom, whatever we need it for. Coats, gas to visit family, gifts, seasonal coffee, you name it, it counts. Well, we don’t have any huge plans for this year, so in the beginning of the day, we deposited $1000 of it into our account, right back into savings. So we ran our day on $500, straight cash. And I am THRILLED to say we easily stayed within that amount. We have over $100 left!! Plus, $100 was spent on Christmas tree lights, food, a few little groceries we just needed, coffee, etc. So its not as though we went hog wild on gifts. There is still a bit of shopping left to do, but I feel very happy with the outcome thus far 🙂 We’re almost done, and have spent a small amount of what we saved. Its nice to know that a bunch will stay in our savings. It always feels good entering a new year with extra savings, right?

The kids were patient and pleasant, and we only had a small number of whiny moments. We could tell at one point that the kids were fading, so we drove thru at McDonalds for drinks and a treat. The kids just wanted water, so we got them each a cup of water, free small coffees for Brady, and four of their new soft baked chocolate chip cookies. We paid $2.10 for that snack, and let me tell you! Get in on those cookies! Ours were hot and melty and delicious! For $0.50, you can’t go wrong!

We got home around 6:00pm, so the kids got their supper decently late. We felt bad putting them to bed at 7:00 when they’d slept the whole drive home, and then ate so late. They were so energized! So we asked them if they’d like to stay up a little bit later and they were both SO happy! They seemed to accept bedtime pretty well when it was time, and now everyone is tucked in. Are we are tuckered out! Lol!

Supper and a soak are in order. I’m chilled through and through, and my tummy is growling. But I feel weirdly refreshed. Its been a great day! Now to wrap presents and get everything else started! Hopefully I’ll start some baking soon!