Day 6: Alone

I’m six days overdue today. After my appointment yesterday, I’m not too choked about being overdue at the moment. Labor could happen all by itself still today, or tomorrow. Or I could get a call for induction on Sunday, and if not, I’ll be induced Monday and our daughter will be delivered by my doctor!! Lots of positive things to think about and either way, we will have our baby in the next few days. I cannot wait!

But if I’m being honest, today was a bit crazy. Not in the “busy crazy” kind of way. Brady discovered he actually has work he can do in advance, which is a HUGE weight off our shoulders actually! He opted to work long days today and tomorrow, and then no matter when baby comes, he’ll be able to take off a nice solid week and not be far behind at all! We were thrilled to learn this and jumped at the opportunity. However, I have gotten used to the luxury of having him home this last little while. Today was my first day at home with Dekker, all day, just the two of us. And wow, was I at a loss! Not that I’ve forgotten to take care of us or anything, but nothing was planned! I had no jobs mapped out, nowhere I needed to go, nothing that really needed accomplishing. And I went a little crazy!!!

Instead of being completely lazy all day (which I’m thinking would have actually been acceptable at this point) I did a few things, just to fill my day so I didn’t just sit and tap my finger. While Dekker ate, I unpacked the dishwasher and refilled it with yesterday evenings snack dishes. I threw all the laundry I could find (one load worth) down the stairs. That was really all I could come up with. I had phone dates with both my mom and my sister, and then Brady over lunch, like always. Dekker and I eventually made our way downstairs and put the laundry in. I stuffed diapers from two days ago. This is all my very long way of saying I really tried to keep busy! Once all I could really do had been done, I plunked down on the couch and watched some tv and read Dekker books. It was nice. I texted a few friends throughout the day, and that paired with Facebook and the phone calls, I didn’t feel too lonely. I should have planned something else in the day, but at least I didn’t go snake.

Dekker went down for a nap and I had plans for that span of time. Firstly though, I ate lunch and took my pills. I figured I deserved a bit of time there to just relax and watch some YouTube videos and enjoy my food. But wow, I paid for that! I didn’t actually throw up, but did I ever get sick! I was sooo nauseous!!! So I dozed a bit of the afternoon away until Dekker woke up. Luckily, it wasn’t too far from Brady being home, and he was bringing supper, so I got Dekker up and instead of feeding him right off the hop, we went downstairs and folded laundry. He helped 🙂 I am proud to say he’s never overturned the hamper or pulled my folded piles apart. ONE TIME he unfolded washcloths. Once. I didn’t care. But today, I would fold an article and set it on the floor beside me, and he would stroke it very gently and wait for the next thing to be folded and ready for him to smooth out. It was so gentle and lovely.

So as I mentioned earlier in this post, Brady works tomorrow too. And again – I didn’t plan. Its impossible to plan anything super riveting this late into ones pregnancy! But I have to. So! I’m thinking I’ll clean the bathrooms. I’m hoping we’ll be lucky enough to have some visitors once baby arrives, and our toilets look like what I imagine toilets in prison look like. Hopefully I’ll have the gumption to do that, and then I want to recheck our hospital bag and Dekker’s overnight bag. We packed them at a reasonable time but the longer I’m pregnant and not in the hospital, the more we pull out of them. So I want to make sure they all have what they need and I don’t end up sending Dekker to my parents with no pants. I think thats all I’ll plan to do though. Might try to hook up with my mom at some point. Oh! And I have to check the corn in the garden and see if its ready!!! Hope so!

Diapers first rinse just ran through so I’m going to go throw them on wash. And then a snack. Baby is moving SO much right now, I can’t believe she hasn’t just walked out yet!

mama jeanne

You’re doing great my dear. I’m proud of you. Hang in there 🙂 Talk to you tomorrow and see how you feel. Love you and praying for you!

Nikki Bergman

Ya know, if you waited to have baby girl on Thursday, she and I would share a birthday, which would be pretty awesome… Just sayin… 😉