Day Two WITH a Houseguest!!

Today was Dekker’s SECOND day IN A ROW with no accidents! Also, Jerilee was over for a good chunk of the day, and I was curious if that would distract him and bring on accidents, or it would be business as usual. He did FABULOUS!! And it helped that Jerilee is so comfortable, and celebrated the successful trips to the potty with the rest of us.

Before her current teaching job, a while back, she worked in retail. Occasionally, she would come our way on her day off, which we LOVED over here! Her new job is obviously more of a structured schedule, but today, she had the afternoon off, and spent it with us 😀 The kids haven’t had a chance to really play with their auntie in the afternoon in so long, so they got their fill, making her read story after story after story. It was adorable to see them miss her so much tot <3

Our kids go down so beautifully now. Honestly, their schedule is probably the worst it could be for me, but it is PERFECT for them! I loved the novelty that was getting them all to nap at once, and I had it down to a science. I had a lovely long break every single afternoon. It was awesome. Now, we’re getting up as soon as Dekker lulls so he can go to the bathroom, he’s not napping (mostly so that I can keep an eye on him), Laela is napping a bit earlier, and they’re actually going down a bit earlier because of all of these things. And Dekker doesn’t even complain. He is nice and ready for bed when its time. I love that so much.

So they went down without too much fuss (Laela still hasn’t bought into the whole “bedtime is a beautiful thing” belief) and Brady, Jerilee, and I had dessert and coffee. Thank you, Jerilee, for bringing ice cream sandwiches!! I’m sorry we accidentally kept the leftover ones! We’re sealing them up tight and we’ll have them again next time we’re together 😉 Jerilee always brings the yummiest desserts! We watched some trashy tv while we had dessert. It was so nice and comfortable. I love my people. Like a lot.

Tomorrow will be wonderful too! My mom is coming over for the morning, I believe, (come anytime after 8am, mama!) and then we’ll go into the city for a pretty big shop. Groceries, a few clothing things, some gifts, etc. It’ll be one of those shops where we go to lots of places. It will also be Dekkers second outing, and the first where we’re not going to a friends house where he feels a bit more comfortable. Hopefully we’ll be able to convince him to pee in a public toilet!! If not, his bag of emergency stuff is already packed!! Oy! Wish us luck!!