Days Filling and Christmas Clutter

Its been a lovely, full day. I feel like its really no use to actually schedule my days out, because they change constantly. So far, however, today has turned out well 🙂

I helped out at preschool this morning. Laela is SO lively at home but pretty stone faced at preschool. Today on the drive, she informed me that she was going to sing along to the songs, and maybe do some actions. Like, I’m not kidding that she never does that kind of thing. She intentionally holds it back, which is fine, I guess. But I know what a livewire she is and I wished she’d just let loose sometimes! This morning, she made good on her promise, and waved her hands and giggled/sang through the songs. Finally!! It was great to see her free herself up a bit.

The morning went by quickly, and we headed home. Brady’s schedule had changed yesterday, so he was home today, and he got lunch together and set the kids up to eat. Not too long after the little boys had gone down, a friend invited Laela and I over for a playdate/cheesecake date. Obviously, we accepted, and drove on over for treats and a visit. It was SO good to just relax together with friends. Meanwhile, Brady happily stayed home and worked on a quote for a job he’s pricing out for a friend.

We stayed at our friends house until it was time to get Dekker from school, so I brought Laela along with me. She was pretty excited to be at the school, and to scope it out for when its her turn to go there. When Dekker exited his classroom, Laela right away opened her arms wide for a hug <3 It completely melted my heart!! Can they do that kind of thing forever?? Probably not, haha! But I can dream. It was a super sweet greeting.

We headed home from school and Brady started homework with the kids. By “homework” I mean Dekker’s actual homework and Laela’s workbook that she insists on doing every day! She LOVES practicing her letters! That girl is such a keener.

This evening, Brady is going to join some guys from the church for an evening of wings and hottubbing, and I think I’ll wrap some Christmas presents! They’ve all been sitting in my closet in a big pile for a while now, and now a stack of “wrapping worthy” boxes have accumulated beside the bed. Its time to get some of this clutter dealt with! Though there could be worse clutter than Christmas clutter!!!