Days Like These

I love days like these πŸ™‚

Its so nice to be home after a trip. I enjoy it way more than I used to actually. I have decided to find joy in small stuff.

As lots of you know, I have recently discovered a love for doing laundry. It gives me an excuse to be downstairs playing toys with Dekker while accomplishing things at the same time. I never used to find joy in completing tasks, but I think I’ve started to figure that out and its a good, rewarding feeling.

Today, however, was even better than an average laundry day. My dear Jerilee came over, bearing coffee and stories of her insane life over the last week. It was exactly what I needed! Dekker went down for a nap about a half hour after she arrived, and we chatted and sipped coffee and caught up between loads of laundry. I know I said I was going to take pictures of everything and post them tonight, but things are hang drying and I want them to be cute and laid out when I photograph them. Tomorrow it will have to be!

Brady was home relatively quickly after Jerilee left, and brought Subway for supper. I LOVE Subway days! We watched some AFV and had super delicious sandwiches, which hit the spot completely. Yum!

We’re now just waiting for our last load of laundry to run before we can make our bath and have a snack in front of some good guilty pleasure tv, and then a good sleep! I’m so looking forward to my week πŸ™‚ NOTHING up tomorrow! No chores or anything! Then Wednesday with my friend Hailey and her family, Thursday with my parents, and Friday with Brady! Loaded week, but wonderful week.




* I realized this evening that I forgot to post an adorable story about Dekker yesterday that I was really looking forward to writing! This happens once in a while (thanks for nothing, pregnancy brain) but this one is just too cute to pass up! One our drive home yesterday, we stopped at a Tim Hortons for a nice supper of muffins and tea. Since my family always waves at the window when someone drives away, Dekker tends to wave at cars, whether he’s inside our doctors office building looking out, at our house, or simply waving at his toy cars. The drive-thru line was right next to us and he kept waving at cars, but no one saw him! And he was waving eagerly!! Sooo much hope in his face! But to no avail. He seemed to give up and give in to his muffin finally. Until we noticed a woman looking straight at us from her car, with a subtle smile on her face. We encouraged Dekker to wave at her and her smile grew sooo big! She waved back right away. Those little interactions warm my heart. I know my son is shy around new people and new places, and is pretty cautious. I think that can be really healthy, and I don’t plan to “remove” that quality from the little boy he is. But I also want him to be friendly. And I love seeing that come out of him. Special moment for his mommy to see.

mama jeanne

Nothing going on tomorrow….baaaaaaa….. that’s not true. It’s your birthday tomorrow that makes it a very special and wonderful day! I love you sweetheart and hope your day is full to the brim with blessings! I love you dearly! Happy Birthday my Hailey Jeanne!


Hahaha, thanks mom πŸ™‚ I love you too. I look forward to a day at home with Dekker, trying to fix up his sad bum and playing toys. I have everything I need!
And I could basically say happy birthday to you too, right? Since you were probably happy when that whole birth ordeal was over πŸ˜‰

mama jeanne

And I had my beautiful baby girl in my arms…. praise the Lord for my lovely daughter who has brought so much joy and smiles into my life! What a blessing you have been in my life!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday God bless you!
Happy birthday to you!
May your day be filled with sunshine my darlin’. I love you dearly!