Deck Build: Day #1

Yesterday was the first day of our deck build. I have waited for our stinking deck build, and it is finally here. Brady assured me that we would get the beams and joists built, but I shouldn’t hold my breath for the actual decking yet. However, good food brings energy, and a loving and willing heart brings a friend, so with our group of builders grown from two to three, work went a little quicker. Process pictures? Sure, I have those.

Little sugar-shot of Dekker here because why not?


So many pictures later, hopefully you can see that we’re a good solid way through the deck! We still have half the deck boards to screw on, and then the railing (which we have to learn how to build.) And then its OVER! Hopefully we can accomplish it all Monday morning and afternoon. I would love to spend that night away at the lake knowing that our deck project is done forever!