Dekker’s Mom

We all have titles. Growing up, like most kids, I was known by my older siblings. Simon’s little sister. Caitlin’s little sister. Frank and Jeanne’s girl. Also, like most kids (I think), I kind of hated that. I wanted so badly to be individual, and as an overdramatic little girl, I felt like my individuality was somehow taken away by people knowing me in this way. Its not their fault they met my siblings first! I get that now.

I remember when, once in a blue moon, one of my siblings would tell me they were recognized as “Hailey’s older brother/sister.” I would be elated over the news! It felt like I was making strides somehow.

This morning, as I was walking back to my vehicle after dropping Dekker off at school, I greeted a woman and her kids heading to the kindergarten room. “Good mornings” were exchanged, and we walked our separate ways, but I heard the little boy say “That’s Dekker’s mom.”

Eek!! I could not be prouder to be “Dekker’s mom.” What a fabulous title, WOW! I can really truly see how flattering it is to be identified as someone’s family member. I love that the kids know my son first.

So there you have it! I was “Dekker’s mom-ed” today, and I loved it. I hope it happens many, many more times over the years.

I sure love you, Dekker! I’m SO proud to be your mom!