Didn’t pan out how I had hoped…

I wrote yesterday that I was feeling extra tired super early but was going to try and stay awake with my siblings. It didn’t last.

We were playing Mario Kart downstairs and I was feeling really carsick. So I traded chairs to be a bit further away from the screen. Still pretty yucky. I opted out after one cup, feeling pretty lame. I went to sit on the floor just a ways back from everyone else, but still close enough to be part of the group. My mom offered me some gravol, which I was glad to accept. I followed her upstairs to her bathroom, where I plopped down on the floor. I felt super nauseous, and was scared to move. It was definitely time for bed! I gradually pulled myself up and headed to bed. I lay there, feeling awful, for maybe 15 minutes before I figured if I was going to throw up, I should get on it and get it over with. I sat in the bathroom with Brady for a decent amount of time, bucket in my lap, waiting. Nothing. I waited and waited, feeling nothing but guilt that my husband was missing out on the fun on my account. I finally gave up and figured I’d just go back to bed. Turns out my body just needed one final jolt to get in action, and standing up did the trick. As soon as I stood up, it hit. I plunked back down and puked handful of times into my bucket. Nasty slimy, stringy, disgusting vomit. Poor Brady, haha! He witnessed the entire thing. But he still loves me. From the floor, I dragged myself into a warm bath, and then to bed. No surprise puke in the night, thankfully!

My sister and brother in law are now on the road, and I’m feeling pretty disappointed that we missed our last evening with them. But I needed to be where I was I suppose. My body seems to have a pretty violent way of getting what it wants these days! To all my poor, fluey friends, I’m so so sorry! Puking at Christmas is the worst.