Eating and Sleeping

I suppose todays post doesn’t really have a specific destination, but I just need to spell out a few things we’re in the process of figuring out with Laela. Always learning, always learning.

Miss Laela is NOT an eater. If it were up to her, she would eat before bed and once in the night, and then maaaybe in the day. She is a very busy, distracted little girl. I don’t know if she will ever hold her own bottle, because she just couldn’t be bothered to sit still and drink it.

Since she has started her fun new thing of wildly throwing up right before bedtime, we’re having to feed her considerably less before she goes down for the night. Therefore, she is waking up in the night without fail, and then decently early for the day. Before 8:00am. I then have to ride her all day long, every three-ish hours, feeding her little bits, because when I feed her more, she barfs. Its insaaaaane!!!

I don’t want to pro and con my kids AT ALL, but at this point in his life, Dekker was eating four full 8oz bottles per day and sleeping like a rock. Laela is working on her sixth feeding of the day and won’t hit 24 oz.

** I know the number doesn’t actually matter. She is growing beautifully, with that little tummy rounding out. She is producing a lot of very wet diapers in a day. She is fine. Its just the figuring. And I want her to eat more milk in less feedings!

I’m still diligently working on solid foods, every evening, and she is still not opening her mouth for the spoon. Her little serving of rice cereal is made in one ounce of milk, so its roughly six bites. It can take up to a half hour to get those things in her mouth! Crazy town. But again, he’s just too distracted.

I bring all this up because of the sleeping. I’ve lovingly felt for several months now that I’m done having a baby in my room. I’ve gotten more comfortable with it, and she wakes and falls back to sleep on and off while we’re still awake. Its not a huge deal. But she is rapidly outgrowing her cradle, and is DEFINITELY not consistently sleeping through! We often get from 8:30-5:00, so its a great stretch, but not a full night. I feel like letting her cry it out in the same room as Dekker wouldn’t be very nice. I wouldn’t mind if she cried for a bit and they both fell back to sleep, but we’ve let her cry it out from time to time, and she can go for quite a while at quite a volume. I’m at a bit of a loss.

I know lots of babies are doing these things, but I’m feeling a bit scattered. We’ll go for her six months shots tomorrow (late, oops!) and maybe they’ll have some tips. Or we’ll just keep trying 🙂 I love her regardless of her sleeping patterns.

Speaking of sleeping patterns, I’m off to begin my nighttime routine of a bath, a snack, and some House.


I definitely can understand how you feel. Theo is in the same room as Vincent now and he was sleeping through the night until recently, I think he started teething. We let him cry it out too and it usually only took about 5-10 mins and he’d be out for the night but now he needs to eat first and then we have to hold him and give him a soother and he’s up sometimes 3-4 times a night. And he gets up at 7.
You’re not alone. I hope it gets better for you soon and you guys get a good routine down.


Does Vincent have a hard time with it or did they settle in relatively quickly? Laela is definitely still up for the day before Dekker, but I doubt he’d go back to sleep at 8am.


He does pretty well. I bring Theo into our room though so he doesn’t wake him up in the morning and I get a bit more relaxing/wake up time in bed before we start our day