
One of these days, I’ll have an interesting post for you guys to read. I promise. I can’t wait to post waaay too many pictures of my kids happily playing outside, or going on trips, or running free in diapers alone. Its going to be magnificent. But right now, its a bit gloomy outside and our house is cold. The kids are sporadically cranky and so are their parents. So we hid out.

As far as successful stories go, Dekker had a very good bath! It was the first time we ever bribed him, really, giving him a small easter chocolate before and after the bath. I’m not sure it even translated, but I was sooo thrilled to give it to him after he had so much fun and so little fussing! I’ll post a video on Facebook as soon as I finish this up. If I forget, someone let me know! Laela also had a very happy bath, which was nice and quick and a relief for all those involved.

It seems like our days have been beginning and ending hard, and this morning was no different. But Dekker was a happy happy boy at bedtime, which was refreshing. Laela is eating now, and if she finishes this bottle, she’ll have eaten a couple of ounces over her normal amount. Yay, Laela!

We are ahead of the game this evening, for some reason. The bath is fully run, we ate supper at a normal time, and we even have fresh bedding on our bed 🙂

In the few moments its taken to finish this post, Laela has finished her bottle and is being wrapped up. Knock on wood that our night is as smooth as the evening was! Gotta be all fresh and new for leading music at church tomorrow!