I Miss That Girl

I spent the day with the ever-lovely Jerilee. I feel like it happens so rarely, and I LOVE those times that we get to hang out for the whole day! She is one of the few people in the world that Dekker adores from the moment she arrives. He knows her. Laela is pretty friendly, but she hangs back and takes her time observing a person before she feels free to roam around again. Yet today, she couldn’t keep her hands off of Aunty Jerry. Jerilee would sit on the floor and Laela would come up to her, stand beside her, and either just lean comfortably against her, or giggle and throw herself into Jerilee’s lap. Over and over and over again. It was lovely to see her warm up and be so close and handsy so fast.

We caught up and chatted work, friends, future dreams, etc. for most of the day, and then watched an episode or two of The Office while the kids napped. Brady came home early in the afternoon, as his finishing package didn’t arrive on time, and his work day was cut short. So we joined the fun with The Office, and then made us stroganoff for supper, which is always super delicious.

We all sat around comfortably upstairs until the kids went to bed. We sat in the living room, drank coffee, and chatted until Laela just lost it and burst out crying from her room. She was already struggling a bit to fall asleep, but upon going to rescue her, she had started to cry a bit of a pain cry 🙁 Teeth maybe? We gave her some Tylenol and sat her with us for a bit. She can drink from a sippy cup now, so she sat and sipped some water and got her stuff together before we put her back down. She’s quite a bit calmer now. Poor munchkin. Even while sipping her water and shrucking away, she was generous with her smiles and even did her cute little party tricks for her adoring audience. Just wait til you guys see her tricks. They’re ridiculously adorable.

Jerilee is on her way home now, and the bath is running. I’m feeling nice and comfy and hopefully dozy. These crazy nights of dreaming are unnerving and not very restful, but hopefully I’ll get it together sooner than later.