It is my birthday.

Office reference, anyone? Please don’t let me be the only one!

It is my birthday. Aging feels so strange. I have all year to prepare for the official switch over to another year, but my late twenties have been interesting. As in, they’ve felt peculiar. I’m not suggesting life is any more interesting for me than anyone else, but I think like a lot of people, I’m hesitant to age, and to see my twenties go. I can’t decide whether I feel old or young, accomplished or stalled, or whether those things even matter or not. Lots of feelings. Lots of self reflection.

I don’t plan to go super deep in today’s post. I can’t even figure out how I’m feeling, so trying to write it out would be completely fruitless. I’m not unhappy. I feel like I should put that out there. I’ve loved my years, and I love where I find myself as I’m officially through twenty-nine years of life. I’ve felt that I’ve gone through a good heart shift in the last year or so, and while I am FAR from perfect (like far far) I feel like I’m a better person than I was a year ago. So even a little bit of progress counts as progress, right?

My day began early, with breakfast in bed, and some quiet Netflix before the kids woke up. I took my time doing my makeup and listening to music while the kids ate breakfast, and then I went down and spent the morning with my family. We ventured to my parents for lunch, as did my brother and his family, and we all feasted on yummy pizza and chips and berries and all kinds of delicious things. We had a BIG homemade birthday cake, with coffee, and chatted the afternoon away. It was lovely to all be together, and also fun, and also also delicious. Thank you, all, for coming and spending time with me. And thanks for the presents!!! Woot woot! Right up my alley!

We all headed home around 4:00, and our crew is suuuper low key, coming down from all the company and energy 🙂 Clifford is on tv and I’m online shopping with some of my birthday money. Woot! Its been a super lovely day and I’m very much anticipating a quiet evening among my favorite people!
