Its a toss-up

I’m having trouble deciding whether or not to do something. Not like one specific thing, but anything.

I have been completely slammed busy for pretty much this entire summer. Maybe not always running around like crazy, that was only August really, but my mind has been so full all summer and I feel like I haven’t had time to stop and rest. I don’t know. I’m just babbling, I guess.

As of right now, our deck is built, our picnic table is built, and Dekker’s birthday went off without a hitch. Those were the priorities. There were a few other things I was hoping to have done before his birthday that we just didn’t get to, though. We really wanted to build a few adirondack deck chairs. We wanted to do a few minor house repairs. The handle busted off our barbecue so we’d like to have it fixed sooner than later. Things like that. How much pressure do I put on myself to get them done, even though the “deadline” has passed and the rush is off?

Now, add to the list “putting my house back in order,” as we worked like slaves to get it together and I have no gumption left to tidy it up again. Its not in bad shape really at all, just have to locate a few of Dekker’s favorite toys and catch up on dishes, but I can’t imagine cleaning another day in my life right now. Another thing I really want to do is make apple juice. Soon. My friend across the street has graciously offered my free reign of her apple trees in her backyard, but I now have to drag my hiney out of the comfort of my home and go get them. See?! I have things to do, most of them good things! But I’m not sure at what point my body and mind deserve a break. One day. A quiet, lazy, bra-less day.

On top of all of this, Brady and I may be going to Edmonton for a day at the end of the week. And that needs to be decided by the end of the week, believe it or not! I am not set up to make decisions right now.

Everything in my noggin is foggy. Or foggin’. That would have been wittier. Bummer.

mama jeanne

You asked for it 🙂 Here’s some mommy advice….get your mommy to come over and help you clean, it would be fun♥ Next, none of those things are emergencies I don’t think……give your brain a bit of a rest and then decide about the other stuff♥ Oh goody, great minds think a like…….see you later on today. Love you so much♥


Thank you for being so willing to help me, mom. I love you too. And you’re right, those things are not emergencies. The deck chairs we can do for fun sometime when we have an open weekend, same with the BBQ, and the house repairs would easily survive even a few months if it got that far!
You’re great 🙂