Its Back

The kids being sick has momentarily overshadowed the rest of our life struggles. Momentarily. In the shape they’re in, we didn’t feel it would be appropriate at all to pass them off today, so we didn’t. Rather, we’ve had a quiet, sick day, filled with tv shows and water bottles and dim lighting.

Laela woke up in a puddle of vomit, shivering. We cleaned her up and threw her entire bed worth of bedding into the laundry. She declined breakfast and lay in the living room, but after a while, said she was hungry. She sat at the table, and hadn’t even taken a bite before she barfed all over her lap and hands. Brady grabbed a bowl and I sat beside her while she heaved and heaved and barfed some more. Another jammie change and back to the living room.

Dekker is feeling somewhat better today, which is great! He’s somewhat upbeat and energetic. Still no appetite, and he has a runny nose and a cough, but he hasn’t fevered yet today, so I’m calling it progress.

Rowan is still feverish and tired, but he hasn’t barfed yet, so again, I’m going to say he’s doing ok.

And Solly is winning. The worst he’s going through right now is teething. As Brady says, he’s practically chewing his own arms off, so we’re trying to help with him that, but his best and most effective teething aid is always sleep. Beyond teething, he’s happy and smiling. Trying SO HARD to crawl, which is a bit mind boggling for us, since none of our older kids have ever tried to be mobile so early! He’s nuts, but he’s happy, so we’ll take it.

Brady and I are ok. We’ve got some stuff, and we’re feeling quite downtrodden and discouraged. Still very much loving the backup and offers to help. I’m not sure what we’d do without you guys!! You all know who you are 😉 Thanks for listening and caring.

Two down for naps, and one to go! Then the quiet will get even quieter, and hopefully healing will come.