Keeping Busy, Staying Awake

I couldn’t fall asleep until 4:00am last night/this morning, so needless to say, it was a bit of a rough morning, trying to get up with the kids and do the day. But I worked really hard to keep positive and not let my fatigue and irritability show. The kids were pretty grouchy when I got them up, which isn’t normal for them at all, but breakfast helped with that.




I was wiped out enough that I didn’t want to even make the effort to brew coffee, so leftover fountain pop replaced it this one time. Not quite as satisfying or comforting, but it worked.


We kept the day fairly quiet, and I was SO happy after talking with my mom, because I convinced her to come visit! I know she’s had a super busy week, and I was tired from the night, but we missed each other!!! So it was just about PERFECT! She arrived shortly after lunch, and the kids were positively thrilled at her presence! It was wonderful to visit the afternoon away with her, and also a nice distraction that helped me forget how tired I was. She brought the kids each a little gift, and held Solly a bunch. It felt normal, and really nice.

Brady got home at a good time, and my mom headed home fairly soon after that. We were planning to feed the kids supper a bit early, because Jerilee was coming for the evening to catch up on the Bachelorette, and we often eat supper while we watch 🙂 The kids ate SO MUCH FOOD!!! They love perogies. It was a big win. They were in great moods when Jerilee arrived. By “great moods,” I mean they were super wound up, and Dekker and Laela were out instantly after we put them down. Rowan is working on an eye tooth so he had some tears and medicine and was down soon after. Solomon wasn’t buying bedtime this evening, but as a result of that, he drank a ton! So hopefully he’ll sleep a nice stretch with that. Once everyone was down and settled, we ate perogies and sausage, and watched the two episodes that we were behind. We had cream puffs and chocolate sauce for dessert. It was all super yummy. Really hit the spot for me today, anyway.

Jerilee is on her way home right now, and Brady and I are fading fast, so I’m proud of myself for getting this post up at all! However, four years in, and I haven’t missed a post, so today is not the day to mess that up! But for now, I am of to bed! Sleep deep, all! Have a GREAT long weekend!