Making up for lost time

My posts have been boring lately. You guys don’t even have to say it. I know. Our non-plan for today was to remain boring, but while sitting at the breakfast table with Dekker, we decided to be ambitious instead. Quite ambitious, if I do say so myself. So after breakfast, we bathed Dekker. Which was awful, as per usual. I discovered a better way to rinse his hair, which I’m relieved about, but he still screamed bloody murder the entire time. Its ok. We had lots of cuddles. And he peed on me, which I haven’t felt in a while, so I guess thats…nostalgic…

First of all, Laela was sooo gorgeous today! For those who missed it on Facebook…


IMG_3763Dekker was also super cute but I’ll show him in a minute or two.

Our first stop was getting Dekker’s glasses adjusted. The last person who adjusted them decided that his ears were crooked so he bent one of the arms good and proper. I know none of us are symmetrical, and I wouldn’t take “crooked ears” as an insult, but since that man did that, the one side can barely stay over his ear. Its bent so far out, of all things. Also, the nose pieces are so far apart that they are basically useless. The glasses sit so close to his face that his eye lashes spread. So I brought him in and we waited our turn. And he was immediately unimpressed. He wanted a book, but there were no kids books. We looked through a car magazine but he was super uninterested. There was also a toy he liked the looks of, but he would have had to *gasp!* go near other children to play with it! So he started screaming. And screaming. I was so relieved when we finally got back there, except he didn’t want to sit still. He was arching his back and flailing and screaming. It was awful. Luckily, the women at the desk were super patient and gave him a sticker, with the promise of another if he was very good. It worked! The glasses went on and off a few times, and he handled it like a champ. We left with glasses that sat much nicer on his face, plus two stickers and a tiger-faced eraser. Success? Its hard to say…

We hit up the bank for our weekly savings money, and purchased a two week pass at the nearby pool. At that point, we had no other errands left to run before Dekker’s…sigh…haircut.

Yup, we did it. I’m so sad that his beautiful long hair is gone, but he looks quite dashing.

A little blurry, but he's SO grown up here! Such a little dude.
A little blurry, but he’s SO grown up here! Such a little dude.


I was nervous to bring him in somewhere that he needed to sit still and be contained, but it needed to be done, so I chose the route of being a bad mom and I gave him candy. We went to one of those little vending machines with all the hard candies that are pure sugar. We ran two quarters through and got him a heap of neon colored fish. (Gross, hey?) I just fed them to him, one after the other. He would chew twice and say “Treat?” and I’d give him another. Seriously, the kid never has candy, so I didn’t feel too guilty giving him some, and it also still really works as leverage. He sat for his haircut pretty well ๐Ÿ™‚

While we were in the mall, we took a peek inside the Toys R Us Express store. We wanted to get Laela a Johnny Jump Up, but the Toys R Us by midtown said they didn’t carry it. (For those who care to know, its just Evenflo’s version of a Jolly Jumper, but its half the price.) When I asked at the express location, she said the same thing. I mentioned that it was online, and she questioned whether it was the Canadian or American site. I said Canada, and I would just order it from home. She checked the website and immediately offered to order it for us so we didn’t have to pay the shipping charge. Yes please!! We had to get the more boyish one, as it was the only one in stock, but its pretty gnarly, with guitars all over it. Whatever. We like music around here.

We hit up Extra Foods for a few things we couldn’t get at Costco, and then I ran into Costco for everything else. Diapers, formula, some Kirkland K-cups, fish, milk, and Cheerios. We obviously didn’t need tons of groceries, as we certainly eat more than just those things, haha!ย I feel like we got a LOT done! Especially for a day that we weren’t planning to go to the city at all. We weren’t organized at all, but maybe thats what made it more fun.

Once we got home, Laela took a nap and we had breakfast for supper with Dekker. Eggs and toast was sooo yummy! Afterwards, we went downstairs for racing cars and to watch a bit of a movie. We tried out Miss Laela in the bumbo for the first time, and she actually held up better than I thought she would! She’s not ready yet. She’s still pretty sideways, and her core muscles aren’t there, but she didn’t fuss at all! She seemed pleased with the independence I had offered her.

IMG_3780Soon enough, she’ll be in there confidently. And then walking. And then asking to borrow the car keys. Yikes.

She’s now having a bottle and Dekker is sleeping. The bath is run and my feet are cold, so I’m extra looking forward to it! Should be a great evening after a truly great day ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope the rest of you guys has as solid of a day as I did.

Dekker and Laela look so grown up on your pictures andย  also sooooo adorable!ย  I love you all so much! Mom (Grandma)