Meal Planning

To those wondering, no, not every post will be dedicated to my food intake. But it was my first day so I figured I’d better talk about it!

My meal plan was for a muffin with cheese and a banana for breakfast. I had the muffin and was full. So I had half of a banana with Dekker when he woke up at noon. However, then I was good and topped up, and it was time for me to eat lunch! I quickly saw that its going to take time for my appetite to catch up to my plan of getting back to being healthy! My lunch plan was cucumber salad and chicken broth. So I had some chicken broth around 1:30 or 2:00, and then cucumber salad around 4:30 when Deks woke up from his nap. I kind of skipped my snack, but either way, I got in my two meals, just over time. And then supper was delicious! Perogies, chicken wings, and green bean casserole. Sooo good! I only got dizzy once or twice, and didn’t feel faint once, so I’d say there was a definite improvement. But I felt like I ate all day and was a little overfull, so I may have to tweak the plan a little. But its still something I’m going to pursue!

So something I didn’t write about yesterday (because I focused on meal planning) was my purchases that arrived! I bought a whole bunch of makeup off of someone and Brady picked it up on his way home. Call me unsanitary if you want, but I’m super excited about it!!! Tons of new colors to play with! Also, we purchased a few movies I’ve been really excited about for a while off of Amazon a week or two ago and they came yesterday! We bought “What to Expect” which we’re watching in pieces this evening as we’re running around doing things. I love it actually, its got some good comic relief in it. I hear its extra funny watching it while pregnant so maybe thats why. And we bought “Pitch Perfect” because its amazing. We watched it when we were out visiting my brother and sister in law and figured its not something we’re willing to live without. So there we go, buying movies. But seriously, to drive to and from the city twice, plus the cost of rental, plus the hypothetical late charge, its way cheaper to buy. So buy we did.

Lastly, here’s a few randoms of my son and his new favorite accessories:

Yup, thats a box/case of macaroni. I put it on his head one day, he seemed to think about it for a second, and then walked away with it. Now he wears it regularly.
Yup, thats a box/case of macaroni. I put it on his head one day, he seemed to think about it for a second, and then walked away with it. Now he wears it regularly.
Safety first! Finally he can put them on and take them off himself! We used to have to put them on him, and then race to take them off before he just pulled them away from his face as far as he could, and then let go, resulting in them smacking him in the face. Not ideal.
Safety first! Finally he can put them on and take them off himself! We used to have to put them on him, and then race to take them off before he just pulled them away from his face as far as he could, and then let go, resulting in them smacking him in the face. Not ideal.

The end. I don’t have a whole heck of a lot left to say. Doctor tomorrow. Curious what she’ll say about all the faintness and hot flashes and headaches. Come on health!!!