Much-needed Happy Post

Its time for some positivity around here!

Dekker woke up at 10:30 this morning, had breakfast, and we played downstairs. He has always done things in this order, but he’s recently picked up a few new things. For instance, if I ask for a hug, he runs at me for one more often than not. In the middle of playing toys!! I even get kisses! He’s never been very kissy. Not that he hates them or anything, but he’s never initiated them or been patient enough to turn for one, but he does now! Also, if I’m on the couch, every once in a while during his play, he’ll come over and reach his arms up to me. I pick him up and he lays on me, has a nice minute long cuddle, and then goes back to playing. Especially these last few days, its as though he’s known we both need some extra cuddles. Such a soft boy.

When it comes to playing toys, Dekker is newly big on throwing a ball. He finally is saying words!!! BALL! and he’ll chuck the ball. Or the can of tea. Or the hockey puck. Or anything within reach. But he knows “ball” anyway 🙂 I got a “wuv oo” out of him today when I told him I loved him, and he chased after Brady this evening with his arms up, calling “Ut! Ut!” for up we think. Its starting!!!

We’re working pretty hard to get through this stage of hitting faces. He’s pretty determined to express himself that way, and while we are being consistent and not letting him ever get away with it, it seems to be fairly ongoing and not slowing down a whole lot yet. But in amongst all of it, we can at least tell now that he knows what he’s done sometimes before we even reprimand him. When he’s calmed down and I can speak to him face to face without him trying to hit me, I ask him if he’s sorry and he always moves in for a hug. Of course I expect him to actually say “I’m sorry” when he’s more verbal but for right now, I’d say this is a big step in the right direction. I understand his communication pretty well I’d say, and I can tell he is sorry for what he’s done. He’s really growing up.

As for other good things that happened today, I was on the phone a lot. And I actually really liked it! I’ve been feeling lonely and stressed out for a while now and having the phone ring as much as it did actually helped me feel like I had people around. I know, it sounds a little pathetic, and I really don’t want to sound needy. But I’m also not too proud to say I really did need the company. I spoke to my mom, my neighbour, my sister, and Brady. I had Dekker to talk to when I wasn’t talking to them, and I even emailed with my mother in law. Communication saved my day. I appreciate all of you so much! Except the telemarketer that called my house. Stop calling!!!!! But everyone else is ok 😉

We had one of my favorite suppers tonight (perogies and wings!) which was super delicious, and watched Arrested Development. My opinion: not enough George Michael. Who doesn’t love Michael Cera??! But it was still nice to watch some tv, have delicious guilty pleasure food, and watch my son climb in and out of a diaper box over and over again. Such a funny boy!

Tomorrow I’m going on a date with my mom and and Dekker’s honorary Grandma Willa. We’ll have lunch outside on her deck and then go check out a garden by the university. Hoping to get some awesome pictures of Dekker now that the weather is finally gorgeous and isn’t as afraid of new places. Should be awesome!

I’m sorry this post is a bit haphazard but I’m really needing to focus on positives these days. Its hard when my gut would rather be pessimistic and grouchy, but we all have the gift of self-control and I’m choosing to exercise mine! Or at least I’m gonna give it a go. I have so many blessings in my life and so much to look forward to. I found myself so in love with Dekker today, laughing at his antics and kissing his lips over and over again. With him, my anticipation for our second child is growing at warp speed. At just about 24 weeks pregnant, I wish I could already set up the baby room for two kids, and I wish I could install the car seat. A little too early, I know, so I won’t. But I am thrilled that in a couple of months from now, I can. Love is in the air.

God is so good! I can’t help but add in an older photo of Dekker here that just melts my heart. SUCH a gorgeous boy I have!
