My Gift to You

My gift to you today will be a short post. I am still feeling super sick and even more grouchy. I lost an amazing amount of sleep last night due to the burning pain in the back of my throat. After a desperate cry for help on Facebook, I want to thank everyone for all of their help! Some of you messaged with me and helped come up with ideas on how to help me feel better. Some commented with ideas. Some actually brought samples and lovely gifts by. Some are praying. I am SO thankful for all of you who have taken an interest in helping my family get well again. While my kids are a priority VERY close to the top, I know I also need to be as functional as possible, as their mom, so I can care for them well.

But I will spare you the ranting about my pain for the night. Instead, I will hide out while my husband feeds the kids for yet another night, and then have a nice long soak in the lavender epsom salts made for me by a caring friend.

Thanks again, everybody! Have a great night!