One of the Very Best Days

Brady took the kids this morning so I could sleep in, which was such a gift! I slept until around 10am, and when I realized the time, I got my butt in gear. I got dressed and headed downstairs to visit the fam. Brady and I had talked the day before and decided I would go to the city today to clear up some of the errands I couldn’t complete last time. After a few minutes downstairs, I was on my way back upstairs to finish getting ready, and Dekker insisted he come along. Being that he’s with Laela and I day in and day out, he has become accustom to our “lady” ways. He stood on his stool in the bathroom and combed his hair, put on makeup (aka mashed up my makeup brushes) and brushed his teeth. He was sooo sad when I left and didn’t take him with me. On one hand, I’m glad to go on my own, as it frees me up a bit to doddle or go fast, and it just makes things go faster. Honestly, I don’t think I have to justify my appreciation for a few hours out of the house. However, I LOVE that Dekker wanted to come, and that he’s getting more comfortable with being out and about, even in crowds of new people. You guys have no idea how refreshing that is!

I started on the edge of the city closest to me and began the process of going to every Walmart and Superstore, looking for specific things.  For instance, Laela’s feet are size 3 usually, and size 4 winter boots are huge on her. We can only find size 3 winter boots at Walmart. BUT one of the specific birthday presents I’m looking for is also at Walmart, and I couldn’t find it last time I was in the city. So I hit the first Walmart and came out with six boxes of cereal (oops) and boots for Laela! Success! But no birthday gift. Next to the Superstore I never go to, where I finally found Laela the next size up in jeggings! The Superstore ones just fit her the best, and they’re a bit beefier than the Carters ones, and I haven’t been able to find the right size the last two or three times I’ve been grocery shopping. So, success! I also bought an owl mug, new sippy cups for the kids (that I LOVE and may buy many, many more of), and a Halloween costume for Dekker. I was thinking of somehow finding costumes for both kids that could go together, but I abandoned that idea when I found totally different costumes that are way too cool.

After Superstore, I headed to the next closest Walmart and found Laela’s birthday present!!! Its just a basic little plain dolly, but it has these monstrous eyes! The thing was, I’ve found so few, and the few I’ve seen either have brown eyes or green eyes, which is fine, but I was hoping for blue to match her eyes! Plus, the other ones looked so sad, and as I’ve seen online, the blue eyed dolly looks happy. There was only one, and I snapped it up! I’m sooo glad I found it!

I ended up meeting Jerilee for lunch at Chianti, which was delicious. That used to be my favorite restaurant, and I’ve probably been there three times in the last three years. So it was really nice! We had a nice long visit before parting ways. I had a couple of other places I could have gone to, but decided not to burn myself out like last time, and I decided to go home instead.

Upon arriving home, I was informed that the kids were bathed and down for a nap. And my house smelled like pumpkin spice. Fresh muffins were cooling on the table. How great is that?! Brady and I visited a bit before cuddling up and watching a bit of tv quietly before the kids woke up. When they did, we had eggs and toast for supper, and the muffins/cupcakes for dessert. While Brady spread cream cheese icing on the tops, Dekker announced “Daddy being domestic.” It was pretty much hysterical.

After a relaxed evening of toys in the basement, the kids are tucked into bed, my new Blackberry Bramble Tea candle is burning in our room, and a tub is run. Today has literally been one of the best days ever. I feel refreshed, at peace, and totally in love with my family.

Un. Freaking. Believable.

Love you guys.