Our Choice to be Joyful

We’ve had a bit of a trying evening. After a great day of running errands in the city, and arriving home at the perfect time in the afternoon, we were met with two wailing children for pretty much the rest of the day. We did get Laela to nap at a somewhat ok time, but Dekker took longer to fall asleep, and was still in lalaland when it was time to wake up. That left us scrambling with him clawing and screeching and panic-crying all evening. I doubt we had a half hour without piercing screams the entire evening. It was long.

So I’m choosing to talk about something I forgot to write about yesterday, rather than continually complaining about this evening. My choice.

Yesterday, I was home with the kids on my own. As I mentioned last night, it was such a lovely and pleasant day with them. I thoroughly enjoyed their presence, and their cute little personalities. At once point, it was just Dekker and I, and he started “practicing his verbs,” which basically means he just points out everything around him and whats being done. Usually it focuses on Laela’s activities, but it was more like “Mom sit” and “Mom play toys” in this instance.” And then out of the blue, he plopped down next to me and said “Mom! Laugh!,” and waited in anticipation, with his mouth slightly open, smiling. I laughed a funny high pitched, squeaky laugh, and tickled him. He giggled, but sat up again fairly quickly and asked again for me to laugh. This time I let go a deep belly laugh and made a game of it. Its weird to fake laugh, right? Well, after he asked a third time, I suggested “Why doesn’t Dekker laugh?” Well, he threw his head back and absolutely laughed his head off. Real, genuine laughter! When he had given me a hearty laugh, he met my eyes with his big, wet, happy ones. What an incredible example!

I want to be like Dekker.


That boy just cracks me up…