So Much Vomit

Since I know it pleases everyone greatly to know our barfing history, I’m here to share it with you. But it just never ends. 

First though, a high point!! We sold our minivan last night!! I’m both so happy that we managed to sell it and no longer be attached to that loan, but we are also really happy to see friends of ours have a need met and have a new vehicle for their family! Win win, for sure. While we made that deal, all of the kids were in bed, except Solly. He wouldn’t drink anything, and he had such a long nap in the afternoon that we decided to just let him be up with us, and then we’d feed him and put him to bed. 

Once everything was done and done, Solly still didn’t want to drink his milk. He had eaten a decent amount of applesauce for supper, though, so we let it go and put him down for the night. I was really really nauseous and sick yesterday, so i popped a gravol and fell asleep quickly. We all slept completely soundly until Solly woke around 4:00. Now that is a really really good stretch for him, so we were pretty thrilled. Brady got him and brought him to bed while he headed to make a bottle. I rubbed Solly belly and noticed right away how soaked he was. Same with his blanket. And when I touched his face, it was crusted over. Now I could’ve been more diligent, but I was SO zoned out and sick. When Brady came back up, I mentioned that I thought maybe Solly had thrown up. Sure enough, when Brady turned the lamp up, Solly was covered in vomit. So I rallied and got up. I snuck into Laela’s room and grabbed a handful of receiving blankets and a handful of fresh sleepers for Solly. I went back up and handed Brady one of each while I changed Solly. I headed over to Solly’s playpen, and the sheet was GROSS and brown and gnarly with barf. So we cleaned that up too. It was a long, drawn out feeding, that’s for sure! But he drank a pretty good bottle, which we fed him very cautiously, and then he easily the went back down for sleep. 

And so did we. For sure me! Brady lovingly let me sleep in as long as I needed. I only learned this, of course, when I woke up. AT 11:00!!! My gosh, what an amazing sleep! I’m feeling much better since then. What a wonderful gift. 

Upon getting up and going to be with my family, I got the scoop. Rowan had barfed in the night, so his bedding and jammies were in the laundry and he was in fresh clothes. We had a monitor on him, and didn’t hear from him at all in the night, but it was all crusted and old :/ Can’t win them all. Also, Laela had pooped. Everywhere. Her entire bed was patchy with poop. So not only was her bedding also in the laundry, but she had been bathed and was also in fresh comfy clothes. Once Brady knew I was up, he took Laela’s blanket that cannot go through the washing machine, and soaked it in our bathtub. Couldn’t be the kids bathtub because Rowan and Solly still need baths, thanks to the amount of crusted vomit in their hair. 

What a day. What a time! We’ve been sick for only a few days but MY GOODNESS they have been big days! Yet, its seeming like everyone is only sick for a couple of days at the most, so let’s hope everyone is better by the end of the day, so I don’t have to do too much crazy on my own this week! Though if Brady can do what he all did this morning, I know I can too! Sure would love to not though…