The Longest Day of the Year

It seemed like today just draaaaagged. I prayed so hard that today would be delivery day, and I had such faith. Its hard when you pray with expectation and then the answer is no. However, that is the answer for my prayer of baby being born today, and I can accept it. However, the whole day felt like a waiting game.

We slept in solidly until around 9:30, which was incredible. We woke up to Dekker just wailing away in his crib. He normally wakes up slowly and cutely, jabbering and bouncing around on his mattress. But he was straight out bawling. So Brady rushed his room to find a single stuffed animal had fallen from its place on the the shelf. And Dekker was sooo upset! The puppy received a kiss and was put back on the shelf, but Dekker was up. So we all had breakfast at the table together. Lately, all my little boy wants is toast and cereal. He would eat them for every meal. However, for someone who loves uniformity, you’d think he’d have a pattern to toast-eating. He doesn’t.


Once the crust is gone, he eats the rest of the piece in one bite. Every time. Without fail.
Once the crust is gone, he eats the rest of the piece in one bite. Every time. Without fail.

After breakfast, we went downstairs to play a little. My ribs were really bothering me and I was feeling pretty much miserable, but to help us all feel a bit better, we decided to go be outside. A walk could help with labor, for one thing, but also, being outside is good for the heart, I think. So we all got dressed and headed out to get the mail. It was beautiful out, and Dekker was beautiful too.


Our street
Our street

Our good idea wasn’t as good as I had hoped. Not one contraction resulted from our walk around town. I was so good and wore my support belt and everything, but all I got was serious body pain. My pelvis was in terrible pain and my legs may as well have just ripped off my body. It was horrible, not to put too fine a point on it. Once we were home, I just lay down in bed to give my bones a break from holding up my belly, and the boys had a snack.

Dekker went down for a nap shortly after we got home from the walk, and Brady and I had lunch. Toasted garden tomato sandwiches again. Just as good as last time. We watched a decent amount of How I Met Your Mother and I dozed a little in the afternoon. We did laundry again, which I know seems like we’re doing laundry every day, but we’re trying to stay as caught up as possible, since we’ll likely fall behind pretty quickly once we finally have baby girl and bring her home.

Sigh. Baby girl. I know I shouldn’t whine, because she is only overdue by two days! I just know that, the later she comes, the worse it is for Bradys work schedule. I’m not being some crazy bitchy wife who is demanding he stay home and change diapers for the first week or anything. He is the sensitive husband who wants to be part of our babys first week of life! I’m confident that the home builder Brady works for will do everything in their power to rearrange things for him, but I also know that, if he takes that time, his schedule will really suffer and he’ll fall behind. Brady takes real pride in his work and I struggle with the fact that I could mess up his credibility or even just his SUPER busy month of October. Yes, they will let me carry her until October 1st before inducing me.  October 1st is also Brady’s first day scheduled to be back. So you can all likely see the pressure I feel I’m under. I am, however, the only person putting me under this pressure. I just wish she would come.

Deks woke up after a rather short nap (for us, anyway) and was ready to go. So while he usually eats right when he gets up, this time, he ran around and played for a good hour first. We had supper around 5:30 but he wasn’t really feeling it and when we asked him if he just didn’t like it, he shook his head “no.” So he had his allotted amount of bites before we headed downstairs for some relaxing and playing. Dekker is really excited about dogs right now. Not always the real ones, but stuffed ones, or pictures of puppies. So he raced around, holding up anything with an animal he could find and barking like crazy, until he settled for a small stuffed dog in a margarine container. He and the puppy (and the margarine container) took a load off and watched some tv with Brady and I before going back to toys.

IMG_2278Now normally, at this point of the evening, we have to haul him upstairs kicking and screaming, and put him to bed. Playtime is never long enough, it seems. However, it was only 6:30 at this point, after a bunch of playing! So we decided to bathe the kid.

Its not news that Dekker hates the bath. His last few have been pretty ok though. Once we can get him in the bathtub, not crying, he gets more comfortable and gives in to the splashing and toys. I am happy to report this was probably our best bath in the last year!!! He was bawling as we lifted him in but as soon as he was in, he was fine! I soaped him up really good and he played and read bath books and splashed and splashed and soaked the bathroom, but was completely thrilled. He was still upset when I had to rinse his hair but he did better with it than he had in a long while. He didn’t try to get out of the tub or even really cry. He squawked, because he was mad, but then he got over it. He was in the tub for probably over 45 minutes, which is for sure a record! He was having tons of fun. When we were splashing, I actually made a point to get water in his face and he laughed and laughed. So hopefully that will eventually translate into something that isn’t so scary.

After bathtime he had a few minutes of naked time before getting into his jammies and coming to jump on our bed. Lots of cuddles and kisses later, he cried all the way to his room, and went down for bed. He hasn’t made a peep since.

I can’t believe it only 8:30. This day felt like three days. At least. I don’t want to complain, but I really am disappointed that I can’t seem to motivate my labor to start. And that I won’t see my doctor again until Thursday.

I’m also kind of ripped about a letter we got about Dekker’s eyes today. We received an appointment date from our second opinion clinic. It states that we have an appointment over a month away for PRELIMINARY TESTING ONLY, and will be booked for a second appointment to actually see the doctor. The letter also said to only bring the kid who is being tested so we can give him our full attention. Um…baby girl will be about a month old. I don’t know, it just rubbed me the wrong way. hasn’t taken much today, if I’m being honest. Just peeved in general.

Ok, time to be done being pessimistic. Time to rest my body for a bit and get in the tub as soon as diapers are through the wash. Whats for snack? Every bit of me just wants to order potato skins from the Red Bull…