
Brady and I are officially away! Dekker is hanging out with my mom and we are hanging out with each other. We drove on some pretty sketchy highways to get here, but it was worth it. We have a really nice hotel room, a huge tv, room service until 1:00am, and we already went swimming in an empty pool. Not empty of water. Empty of people. Just clarifying.

We will head out to some mystery dinner reservation Brady made in a few minutes, and then hit up the Marianas Trench concert afterwards. I don’t remember the last time we “got ready” for something together. One of us is always getting Dekker ready, so this is a change. I’m enjoying it 🙂 I’m also sooo looking forward to the show! We’ve seen them in concert twice, but both times it was at the Ex. It was awesome, don’t get me wrong, I loved the outdoor shows! But this show is on their tour schedule, so they should have a lot more of their own stuff to make their show great.

Time to go! Sorry for the short post. Tomorrows will likely be more exciting.

Marianas Trench!!!!!