Two Trips

Dekker went down at 8pm last night and got up at 11am this morning! He was in great spirits and had completely peed through everything. I brought him to his change table and told him he was soaked. His response? “Peed.” Hilarious! I just about died laughing πŸ™‚ At least he’s honest.

He ate a good breakfast and was pretty friendly all morning.




Except when he gave me the finger. It was both unexpected and hysterical.

He was super patient while I got ready as well. I recently purchased BB cream for my face, since I’ve run into a few people who swear by it. I have to say that I’m actually pretty happy with the results of it! Super low maintenance too!

I know, forgive the selfie, I just felt pretty.
I know, forgive the selfie, I just felt pretty.

After I took him and all our stuff out to the car, we locked ourselves in and went to check out the hornets nest Brady sprayed this morning. A neighbour from across saw it in the hedge on one side of our driveway. Its not technically our hedge at all, but its on our side. All I have to say on that thing is that it is honestly larger than my head. Absolutely massive. And scary. I’ll definitely take a picture of it close up when its uninhabited.

We got to Saskatoon about 25 minutes before my chiropractic appointment so I decided to hit up Cravings first for a roll of flushable diaper liners. I dont know what the ones at Walmart cost, but the ones I got at Cravings were $8/100 liners and are sooo soft! I’ve always shied away from there, for fear of everything being super overpriced, but this was definitely doable. However, when an employee said hi to Dekker, he FREAKED. As in screaming over and over again. It was absurd. I told myself that I was likely not the first parent through there with a screaming child. So I apologized a couple of times, hauled Dekker out, and plopped him down on the sidewalk and we had a chat. He was bawling and super upset. Mind you, I don’t think the nearby construction was making him feel especially safe either. He was a little too far gone to talk to at that point. So we got in the car and hit up the chiropractors office.

Dr Mike said for having driven to Winnipeg, I was in better shape than expected. For the first time, my neck was in worse shape than my pelvis. All better. I told Dr Mike about the run-in at Cravings and he suggested that I should take the “adopted” route next time and say we just got him πŸ™‚ Good one. When our appointment was over, he helped me sit back up and told me when to come back. And then he says “And you know what? Its ok man.” And he walked up to Dekker, stroked the side of his face, and just held his head for a second. And Dekker just let it happen, happily. It was SUCH a soft moment! I loved it. Warmed my heart.

That was probably the last time my heart was warmed that afternoon, unfortunately. Dekker was sooo upset on the drive home. I had other errands to run but there was no way. He screamed half the way home. He nodded off about ten minutes before arriving home, so I put him down for a nap as soon as we arrived, and then ducked out for a few minutes to go meet the new baby across the street. He is sooo gorgeous and little, with his little new hands with his little new nails and his BIG yawns and red face. I cannot WAIT for my baby to come! However, when I arrived back home, Dekker was already talking. I left him in there for a bit, hoping he’d go back to sleep. It was at that point that I realized I hadn’t felt baby girl move since first thing that morning. Luckily I had grabbed an iced capp on the way out of the city so I at the timbits I had also picked up and figured she’d start moving soon.

Buuuuut she didn’t. I got pretty nervous and called Brady. We decided that we should get everything checked out. I went to get Dekker and he had dropped a HUGE poop, which explains the fussing. I cleaned him up and grabbed him a bunch of crackers and an apple before we headed out the door. Β And of course, he was pissed. He screamed half the way to Dalmeny, where I was meeting Brady so he could drive us. When we arrived, Dekker was JUST screaming away and I couldn’t quite hold it together. So I left him in there with the a/c on for a couple of minutes of reprieve. It was a relief. Plus Brady showed up pretty quick and we headed out.

Deks was weirdly pumped to be at the hospital and basically ran laps around the hospital bed eating crackers and chatting like crazy while we listened to baby on the monitors. I am so thankful that my daughter hates the monitors and dopplers. She started moving immediately and we all breathed a big sigh of relief. We kicked around until they could get ahold of the on-call doctor, who came to check us out. She was the same doctor who checked me at one point when I was in labor with Dekker and performed my cervical exam while wearing gel nails. *shivers* THAT is something I will never forget, let me tell you!

Anyway, Dekker fussed pretty hard most of the way home as well. It was a challenging day with him, but I know he’s just getting frustrated with not being able to communicate as well as he’d like. Everyday he’s saying more words! Today he said peek, peed, tired, bed, straw, and tickle tickle. We’re getting there. We had SUCH a nice cuddle time before bed and even recorded a chunk of it to put on Facebook. Its so great that after such a trying day, I can have a cuddle with him and miss him so much when he’s gone. A good reminder, anyway.

Nectarines and a bath.