A Morning with the Little Boys

I’m rallying, ever so slowly, from the last few off days/evenings with the kids. I promise, I don’t expect easy days every day. I’m not dumb. I know seamlessness isn’t the theme of the life that I’ve chosen, and I wouldn’t trade it! But sometimes, it catches up to you, and it makes for a hard stage. I really don’t have to say any of this. Kids or not, we all know that feeling of overwhelming stages of life. This last week or so, I’ve been in one.

Having so much help and love poured on my family has helped immensely! Though I’m still nice and tired by the end of the day, they’re easier to get through with some help and love and rest.

Last night was weird and choppy. Despite how tired I was, I was awake from about 2:00-4:30 :/ I eventually found my way back to sleep, only to wake back up when one of my sleeping children kicks a cord and accidentally unplugged the camera unit to the baby monitor, leaving the parent unit beeping like a crazy person. I did managed to get a bit more sleep after the fact but it wasn’t the best kick off.

Thank goodness, my mom came to be with the kids while I took Dekker to school, and then Laela to preschool a half hour later. Preschool mornings are the most disjointed around here, so having her help when possible is SO appreciated! She didn’t stay long, however, and I spent the preschool hunk of the day with my two little boys!

I wondered how the whole preschool scene would look, when it was just me, Rowan, and Solly. Those two hit a bit of a wall once Solly became mobile. As I’m sure you can figure out, Ro was less than thrilled when Solly started following him, wanting the same stuff he wanted, and voicing his opinions. This was one of those scenarios where the small age gap (15 months) was tough on them. But its slowly improved, which is what I hoped would come of their twice-weekly alone time. Today, especially, I super enjoyed it! I got to watch them interact and get in each other’s space without fighting or screaming. Solly would unlatch the guitar case and Rowan would giggle at him and go latch it back up behind him.

It was a smooth morning in that way. While it hasn’t always been this way and likely will not remain this way for every preschool morning to come, I’m happy to know that its in there! They CAN get along and they LIKE to be around each other! Something as small as them brushing shoulders can sometimes send Rowan into a tailspin but today, they were just bros and the space between them wasn’t important. I loved that. They’re such awesome little boys!