30 Life Lessons in 30 Years

Yesterday marked two months since I turned 30. I’d love to say that I’m loving it, but its been a weird time of transition. I’m still hoping I actually get some of that written out of these days but I honestly haven’t been able to nail it down yet. I know I feel iffy, and unsettled, but I can’t quite put my finger on the “why.” I’m working on it.

A friend mentioned to me right around my birthday that I should make a “30 life lessons” post, like so many people do on YouTube. At the time, I felt so crappy about my birthday that I put it out of my mind, but its crept back in recently, and I started my list. I’ve got it assembled now, so I figured I’d share it. My list for me! You don’t have to agree with any of it 🙂 I promise. Here they are!!

1. People are rarely trying to offend you. Oftentimes, people just say the wrong thing. I know I’ve done it. Give them the benefit of the doubt. If they are truly trying to offend you, you probably don’t need to be talking to them in the first place.

2. Its ok to be bored. Learn how to handle it. Better yet, teach your kids to learn how to handle it!

3. Honey mustard is the new ranch. Its delicious on everything! Except ranch is still delicious.

4. Grief will never leave once its there. It’ll change, and it’ll become more “normal,” but it’ll never fully leave. So make room for it, and continue living.

5. Take the risk and reach out to people you don’t know very well. They may think you’re a weirdo, or they may really need you. (This shoot was SUCH a gift to me. For reference, Cher and I did NOT know each other at this point in time!) 

Cher Andrea

6. Taking care of yourself is nothing to be ashamed of. You can’t pour from an empty cup!

7. You don’t have to solve other people’s problems when they share them with you. They’re not expecting you to. Just listen. Witness their life.

8. When you have a cold, splurge on the Puffs tissues with lotion. They’ll save you from a flaky nose. 

9. Don’t “wish” you could play with your style. Just do it. Even just once. Or many more times than just once…

10. If the whole house is quiet, put your feet up and rest. Doctors orders.

11. Winter tires are worth the extra money! Doesn’t hurt if your tire shop is the cats pyjamas either.

12. Vulnerability is GREAT, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

13. Pop music is also great. Embrace some of those guilty pleasure songs!

14. God WILL give you more than you can handle, but he won’t give you more than HE can handle, so if you have Him, you’re set.

15. Don’t wait for every detail to be perfectly aligned before starting something. Just start it! If its meant to be, it’ll all piece together.

16. Primer. Powder. Setting spray. Seriously, folks, take the time to set your makeup.

17. Stick to your convictions, even when it feels lonely.

18. STOP ALL THE COMPARING!! Giving someone value doesn’t devalue you. Believing someone else is beautiful doesn’t make you ugly. Pulling someone down will not lift you higher!

19. Find comfortable underwear and don’t compromise. Wedgies are for children in bathing suits on the beach.

20. Open the windows when it rains. Its the most cleansing sound and smell in the world!!

21. If you really want something communicated, be direct. Be straightforward. Don’t expect people to read your mind.

22. Have some form of baked good in the freezer so you’re ready for company at a moments notice.

23. Being afraid of something doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t do it. Oftentimes, quite the contrary. 

24. Be intentional when you make decisions, even the unpopular ones. Put real thought into them. If someone questions you, be confident and honest in your answers. But don’t be hard headed. You can be intentional and confident and still be wrong. Not everyone has to agree.

25. Don’t EVER say (or write/type) something about someone that you wouldn’t say directly to their face.

26. Have your “favorites” in order. Favourite color, food, movie, etc. They’re GREAT conversation starters with kids 🙂

27. Our plans are not our own. They’re just placeholders for whats actually going to happen. So plan away if it helps you feel better in the moment, but expect them to change. (Hahaha! Remember when we had a tiny car? Plans CHANGE!)

28. Have a good fitting hoodie and pair of jeans in your wardrobe at all times, no matter the season.

29. The people around you may receive love differently than you do. Learn how that looks and do those things! Not everyone wants a hug, but some people only want a hug. 

30. Motivation comes and goes, but self discipline is something we ALL have, ALL the time. Utilize it. 

Whew! Putting those together took real thought and work! I felt like I could tag a post I’ve written that would relate to each and every one of these, but seriously, who would go back and read all 30 posts?! While I’m feeling a tad identity-crisisy since my birthday, I’m trying to remember that its not about what I’ve done, or what I haven’t done, but about who I am at this point that truly matters. And while I’m not in any way all that, I think I’ve learned a lot in the last thirty years, and I can safely say I like myself more than I did ten years ago. I don’t care to relive my teen years, or my 20s really, so I guess its time to make my thirties awesomer! Please wish me luck, friends!

Share a life lesson with me!!