He’s On the Way Back

My husband has been gone away this weekend, and now that he’s on his way home, I feel I can say it openly. Lol! Not that I’m particularly worried, but it wasn’t something I felt needed to be broadcasted on the internet. However, I was not alone! Cher came and spent the weekend with us, and I am SO grateful!

The extra set of hands was obviously nice. If I was making food and Wavy was needy (as she tends to be when she realized food is in the making) there was someone to hold her, rather than my trying to juggle her and cook. It was possible, but this was WAY nicer. And that was all great, but regardless of the areas of help that she provided, it was just so nice to have her here as a friend for me ❤️

She said to me over the weekend that this was like the sleepover we didn’t get as teenagers. I LOVED that. If you don’t know, Cher and I went to the same school for a good chunk of our lives, but never really interacted. We knew of each other, but ran in different circles and had a two year age gap. We just never really came in contact. But, better late than never! I’m SO thankful we’re so close at this stage of our lives.

So in true “teenager sleepover” form, we ate a bunch of bad food, drank and lot of pop and coffee, and watched funny movies WAY too late into the night/morning. But in true adult form, we also both got a ton done, and felt very accomplished and productive at the end of the weekend!! Woot! We had fun with the kids all day, of course. I think they really loved having Cher over all weekend! As did I. She’s gone for the day now, but something tells me we may see her again one of these days 😘 Hopefully really soon!

But, all that to say, Brady is on his way home! 🥳 He is the main event today! That man almost never ever gets a break, or a weekend away, and I hope very much that he feels refreshed and renewed! The girls weekend was SO WONDERFUL, and I’m so thankful that I get to go from an amazing weekend to an amazing week with my husband back home!