Rowan Got a Contact

Remember a couple of days ago when I said we were all done with the vision stuff for a while, and that we were just waiting on the contact? Remember how it was supposed to be a few weeks out still? Welp. I got the message yesterday that it was in, and made an appointment for the next day. Today. This morning.

First thing in the morning, our eye care centre called and said our eye doctor had to stay home with a sick kid today, but they could put us with someone else. We agreed, and the appointment jumped by an hour. So as soon as kids were off the school, we drove Wavy to grandmas and drove Rowan and I to Warman!

We got all set up at the contact counter where people are taught how to wear and remove contacts. We washed up and got our stuff, and then the staff realized that they didn’t have to teach Rowan, since it was me who would be doing all the legwork for him. He is WAY too young to put in and take out his own contacts at this point. So I briefly waited for direction before I realized that I know enough to just get started.

If you’ve ever been a contact wearer, you know that initial appointment is kind of bizarre, trying to stick things to your eyeball, really leaning into it, that funny suction sound, too wet, too dry, the whole dang learning curve. Its quite the thing. We tried a few different angles of head tilts before we found a gooder, and then the trick was really getting his eye open enough to put the thing in there!! Its an average adult sized contact, and he has little boy eye holes, hahahaha! So it was a challenge, for sure, but guys. He handled it SO WELL!!!!! It took a few tries, but we got the contact in! With that squirty suction sound and everything!!

Again, contact wearers will know thats only half the battle. And I’d say its the easy part. Getting it out is a whole other thing.

When it was time to take it out was the first time Rowan kind of sighed. He didn’t like the idea of taking it out once we finally had it in. But I reiterated the importance of practice, and he willingly climbed on board.

Taking a contact out involved the person looking waaaaay up, and the contact being slid off their iris first, and then gently lifted off the eye. And every time I slid it away, Rowan would look somewhere, and move it back into its original place. Finally, I asked him to look at his brain. He giggled and looked as hiiiiigh up as he could. And we got the thing out!

So that became the method. Look at your brain. Really look at it. Is it in there? And he loved it.

I told him we were going to go through the motions a few times, and he complied. The second time through, we got it in FIRST TRY, and got it out FIRST TRY!!! It was a HUGE success! I pushed my luck for a third round, and it took until maybe the second or third try, but his eye was quite tired at that point so I really couldn’t fault him for that, lol! At one point, he stopped me and announced “hug break!” So, we hugged, and then kept working. Man, he was SO in control, it was just awesome!!!

Of course, I dropped the ball and forgot that a doctor actually had to look at his eye while he had a contact in, so back the thing went for round four, which he tolerated beautifully. It was already getting easier at that point, in the way that it was familiar and he was more trusting of me touching his eye. Not a SINGLE tear was shed!!!

Happy news! His contact is a PERFECT fit. It rotates that little bit that its supposed to. It lines up right. Suctions right. His vision is where it was expected to be. He wasn’t uncomfortable or in any pain whatsoever. No notes! Boom!

Basically, Rowan killed it today. It is just unreal how smooth it was. I can’t believe it. The eye doctor we saw gave us a solid explanation why the contact is a BETTER choice for him, and I hadn’t realized just how much smarter it was for him. Thats a very long explanation, but it makes perfect sense to me, and a contact he shall wear!

The boy earned a treat. There was no question about that. This boys self control is BOMB!

I have since dropped Rowan off at school, and Wavy is at Costco with grandma. What a whirlwind of a morning! Man! It was full, and hands on, and a total success!

As we drove home, Rowan said to me “I’ve had a very successful day so far!” And he was not wrong. I am incredibly grateful for his heart 💜 What a special one-on-one morning. Thank you Lord.