A Whirlwind and a Soft Spot

Today was busy. This moring

HA! Case in point! I was stopped at that point to help Wavy wash her hair 😅 So let’s start again.

Today was busy!! This morning, Cher came and helped me do a few things around the house that super needed doing before I was headed to the city! Thank you, Cher, for coffeeing and cleaning with me 💜

The babies and I went into the city sooner than we needed to, because they were restless, but there wasn’t time for a nap before we had to go. So we did it that way. Naturally, no one actually slept on the drive, but they LOVE shopping! So I took them into Costco with me to get a couple of things I forgot the last time. Unfortunately, those things were a few bottles of drinks for Christmas. And let me tell you. It feels WEIRD buying alcohol with children in tow. But I’m pretty sure it was only me who cared, hahaha! I have been in the liquor section once, weeks ago, and the woman at the till lit up when she saw me.

“Did you bring my sweet babies back?!”

She legitimately remembered us. I could tell based on the small talk she offered. It was so cool, and she was really sweet to all of us.

I got my items and loaded everyone back up in the van. At that point, it was time to go to the appointment, which was the whole point of the trip in. We got there on time, and had a REALLY successful appointment! I felt uplifted and positive. Babies were less optimistic and much more hungry. As was I. So kids got fed and I got out of there, and hit a drive-thru on my way home. Which was tight because today, some stuff was up, and I HAD to be home before the kids were.

I sat in the Wendy’s line for a bit longer than I expected to, but I was still ok time wise. I paid at the window, and had yet to move up to the next window. I waited for a couple of minutes, and suddenly I saw a woman in that same pay window waving at me. I opened my window and she passed me my food.

“They’re just taking too long, have your lunch.” she said.

And I just thought that was so awesome. Because she had NO idea I was in a rush. I was very polite and chill, but I was antsy on the inside. And she just did a super nice thing, just because!

I got out of there nice and quickly, and had a very delicious drive home. Aaaaand I made it on time! Heyooo!

Its been busy since school got out as well, but I’ve been able to manage the busyness from my chair, for the most part. Its nice putting my feet up 🙂

Its been a full but good day 💜 And now its the weekend! Not that this weekend slows down much at all, haha! But again. GOOD things. I’m so very grateful! Thank you Lord!