Almost All Together

Our family got up this morning in time to dress the kids, pack them into the van, and get to the airport on time. We sat at Tims and had breakfast together while Laela made eyes at random strangers. We finished our food at the perfect time, and headed over to the one gate in our tiny, tiny airport to wait for the guests of honor. Caitlin and Stefan came through the gate within moments and we waved them down. Dekker remembered them from summer and warmed up immediately!! We got all of our hugs in, and Dekker even got auntie to carry him over to baggage claim. It was so great to be all together 🙂

We got their stuff together and headed out into the freezing cold to get to the van. Luckily, we hadn’t been there that long so the vehicle wasn’t completely frozen solid again. We ran a quick errand before heading to my parents for the day. We haven’t see my mom and dad since Christmas Eve when we all got sick, so it was nice to get some face time in with them as well.

The day was nice and relaxed. The boys set up the new tv my parents recently purchased, and other than that, we ate yummy turkey sandwiches for lunch and ordered pizza for supper. We really just took our time and rested the day away. I’m looking forward to another day like it tomorrow. Everyone loves a good chill day watching the kids run wild all over the house, right?