Spring Brings

Ok, folks! We have some full weekends coming up, so its time to get as prepared for spring as we can. Hopefully this weekend, we can do some productive things.

The biggest thing is always outerwear. You guys probably know this about me, but outwear is my nemesis. Just my least favorite part of every new season. But, alas, seasons change and outwear is needed. Conveniently, I was very smart when we were packing to move, and I set aside spring jackets from our mess of a garages, so everyone has jackets. Boom! Well. Not the lemon drop, but thats ok. Then I got into rubber boots a couple of weeks ago. Everyone has them. Boom! Well. Everyone who walks, anyway.

This weekend, I hope to get into ALL the other stuff. Shoes. Sandals. Shorts. Swimsuits. Tees and tanks. Plus, everyone in our family needs a thing or two that are dressy. And while some people LOVE this part of the seasons, with our amount of children, I’m happy to do it, but it is daunting.

Other things that need to still come together this spring are getting the backyard to make sense. Digging out the deadfall from the flowerbeds. Planting what we’d like to plant. Getting the swing set assembled. Getting a fire pit (ie dryer drum) and hypothetically a climbing dome. Getting the barbecue onto the patio where it needs to live. Basically, the backyard looks like a junkyard and we’d really like that to change.

We need to sort out bikes for the kids. We have lots of smaller bikes, but the kids continue to grow, so its time to size some kids up. And on that subject, lake bikes! We need to figure out which bikes should stay at the lake and which should come back here and be traded out.

Thank goodness for garage sale day in a couple weeks!!

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