Bright Spots from Yesterday

I want to go back and talk to you guys about yesterday. It was a really hard day, but a few bright things happened in the evening that I wanted to share with you!

  1. My mom brought us supper. It was SUCH a relief not to have to think about making food, and while Laela wailed through supper (as she did for 90% of the day) everyone else ate good, full meals without complaining. Thank you, mom!!
  2. Sometime during supper, Dekker’s ear cleared!! I could tell right away that he was SO much happier, and felt more confident and happy. Having a sense kind of drop off had really freaked him out, as it would any of us, I think. We saw the same thing a couple of years ago when his vision failed and he had to patch his good eye. It was such a relief for him to get that sorted out and have his senses back up to snuff. (Spoiler alert! Now that its the next day, that kids whole face is draining out of his nose, and it is sooooo gnarly! Wiping that thing is a full time job!)
  3. After kids were bathed and jammies were on, a friend from across the street dropped by with a big plate of desserts and treats for us! This was SO sweet because baking is one thing that I just didn’t get to do a whole lot of this year, and I’ve been disappointed about that. We are no longer lacking in sweets around here. Also, I so much appreciated that she was brave enough to drop by and visit with us and all of our sick kids for a few minutes. Its a ballsy move when we’re all so under the weather, yet we are so thankful for anyone brave enough to stick their head in here! We feel less like hermits, haha! (Now that I know you read this, I feel like I’m talking about you when you’re in the room 😉)

Thank you for caring about our family and contributing in the ways you all have! We feel loved and cared for and thought of. Thanks, friends and family, for not forgetting about us when it seems we’ve been tucked away out for SO LONG. We don’t desire to be so closed off, but we also really don’t want to spread illness. Please understand that we’re not trying to hide, but rather to be smart for our family and considerate of yours!

I hope your celebrations will all be starting very soon, if they haven’t already! My family is currently Christmasing, so off I go!!