Christmas Eve 2016

I continue to be more and more amazed by this season. In both good and bad ways. I can tell my voice is aaalmost gone, which is very nerve wracking for me. I can lose my voice tomorrow, but not today. But in a much better way, I am consistently amazed by those around us.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, our family is sick, to put it simply, and the kids just can’t seem to rally. Brady and I committed to help with the music for this service a LONG time ago, and it is way too late in the game to try to change things up. I’ve been wondering how we would swing it, bringing the kids to church. Knowing they wouldn’t be physically capable of being anywhere at 7:00 and on, I was literally considering how we’d likely drive them to church in the van, and sit in there, have someone switch Brady and I out when it was time to sing, and we’d go back out with them in between sets. Ridiculous, I know, but there is just no other way. Last night, after singling a few people out, I posted a desperate (read – pathetic) cry on Facebook yesterday asking if anyone would be willing to come watch the kids/house while we practiced and through the service. And sure enough, a selfless friend came through. And its not like she had nothing going on either. She’s making a sacrifice for me, which is hard for me, but I truly couldn’t be more thankful.

I feel lighter knowing that this evening is taken care of. I still have enough voice to make it through tonight, Brady isn’t sick yet, (knock on wood he stays that way!) and my kids will be in very capable hands this evening. We can honour all of our commitments, and we have help with our kids.

This morning at 11:00am, I drove to the city and got the side of my hair redone. I booked it two weeks ago, having zero idea of how sick my family would be at this point. But at this point, it felt like a move towards self-care, to put on clothes, get out of the house, grab a coffee, etc. My hair girl is always awesome, and being that her day wasn’t slammed full, she curled my hair all up for me, and sent me on my way looking fresh and done up, which I have not felt in a VERY long time.

After my appointment, I met Jerilee for lunch and coffee, and bought some shoes. We had a nice mall walk and visit. I love her. It was nice to finally feel like a human being, and to be that way with a friend! It felt like a super uplifting outing.

I really have some wonderful people in my life, and I am truly grateful. This is such a funny season to be feeling so down and out, but I know its not just us. I hope there is a time down the road that I can be there to bail any of you guys out of hard situations, because we have been saved more than our fair share this year!

Now, I am now home, and two of my jammie-clad kids are sleeping, with the other two are quietly playing Lego among their sniffles and coughs. My husband is finally getting his chance to wash up for the day after hanging with his kids all morning. I’m VERY thankful for these people in my life, too.

In the midst of all of the crazy that this season has brought us so far, we are so very blessed. I am so very blessed.