Getting Started!

Another good night and an explosion-free morning, Brady and his friends from work and pumping out a frost wall in our basement! Its so wonderful that our basement project is on the go, finally! The guys said they were happy to work for pizza, so pizza they got! I kidnapped my mom and took her to Pizza Hut with me to pick up lunch for everyone, which was a nice break in the midst of the day. While Laela and Rowan are LOVING watching the work downstairs, and Solly really couldn’t care less, Dekker is pretty freaked out by all of the noise. He was quite rattled all morning, and happily agreed to take a nap this afternoon. So once everyone was laid down for a rest, I got a little drive in with my mom 🙂

We all just finished up our pizza lunch now, and even just talking to the guys about the rest of the plans was exciting! It made me feel like we’ve hopefully got some of these projects in the bag for this year. Not to look too far ahead, but I had it in my head that we might come out of 2017 with a half finished basement and half finished yard, and I feel less that way now. It won’t all be done, by all means, but I think we’re going to have some really great progress soon. Woot! Nice to have so many good connections and loving friends.

With the work beginning again, the nailers and compressors are roaring away downstairs, therefore, everyone is waking up earlier than usual. But thats ok. I’m so happy to have a bite taken out of the work already, and SO happy to have the crew we have today. It is worth a LOT to have a group of workers who are efficient but positive! I hear them goofing around and chatting away consistently, but the work does not stop. Does. Not. Stop. I’m so so thankful! I couldn’t have asked for better help on our first day of the huge project that is our basement, and eventually the rest of the work we want to do around here. Brady casually threw out a ballpark number of what he figured we’d spend on our house/property this year, and one guy just laughed, and said we could do it for far less than that! WE 🙂 Love that! This is going to be GREAT.