Low Key

It was a pretty hem haw type of day. The kidlets woke up fairly early, which wasn’t my favorite thing, but we lived. While I was feeding Laela first thing before getting Dekker out of bed, I spoke with my mom on the phone. I haven’t spent much time with her the past week and she leaves tomorrow to visit one of her sisters. I’m sad that we’ve missed each other so much. However, she asked to come out to see us this morning!! So she drove out pretty quickly after our phone call and was over before Dekker was done breakfast. He was THRILLED to see her, and asked her to read him book after book. It was lovely to watch them together again. Seemed like he hadn’t seen her in years!

My mom and I got the kids downstairs and we visited while Dekker played and Laela slept on her chest. As the title of the post suggests, it was super low key and uneventful. We played downstairs for a little while before Dekker asked to go upstairs for lunch. His communication is getting better so fast! Its rare that we can’t figure out what he wants. So we all hauled back upstairs and sat down for lunch. Dekker had an apple and toast while my mom and I had eggs. Then Dekker went to bed, fuss-free. My mom and I visited for another fifteen minutes-ish before she had to leave. It was sad. I’ve gotten so used to seeing her more often, and I think its gonna be a big shock to have another almost week without her. I love you, mom!

I dozed/slacked the afternoon off until Brady was on his way home. Then I prepared supper and felt very wifey, having everything on the table upon his arrival. Dekker was even up and ready, and Laela was content, sleeping in the mamaroo. Once we had all finished eating, I took a quick drive to a nearby town to drop off some toques I made for a friend for her kids to wear on Halloween, and I made it home in time to be part of Dekker’s bedtime. Now he’s in bed, Laela is sleeping in the U-pillow, Brady is making his lunch, and the bath is running as I type away. I wish we had brownies. It feels like a brownie day. As if we don’t have enough food in our house! We have been so ridiculously blessed in that department. We have a massive ancient chest freezer downstairs and I think it would take a lot of arranging to fit anything else in it. Seriously. Its a lot of food. So I think I’ll turn off the whining about the brownies…

So as you guys can see, it wasn’t a riveting day. Nice, but quiet. I’m nervous about the next few week days. Bradys schedule is crazy and he’ll likely end up working late most days. Except tomorrow, because we’re taking the offspring trick or treating! It’ll still be a full day though, and I’m alone Friday. I do have a friend coming over on Monday, which helps!! But I’m alone Tuesday and Wednesday too. Maybe I’ve just been spoiled, and shouldn’t desire my daily dose of company/help, but I miss all my ladies when they’re not here. Could be an interesting test for me to see how I fare on my own with my kids for a few days. Usually, when I’ve felt lonely and stir crazy, I keep busy with crocheting or writing or things like that, but I don’t currently have the gumption, or that many hands. We’ll see, we’ll see.

Can’t wait to bundle my kids up in their costumes tomorrow and go show them off around Dalmeny!!!