Off my feet. For…36 more minutes…

I posted a while ago about how life was about to get really busy. Its been great, but truly busy. Dekker has been the biggest indicator of that. For several days now, he has been without his crib for regular naps. He’s a very bubbly boy, but he still very much needs his two naps per day. We’ve been experiencing the wrath of his fatigue every evening for long while now.

Dekker and I went to Saskatoon with Elvira today for just a quick trip. We hit Fabricland to buy material to make a cover for my and Brady’s new quilt. Never quite know how to word that. Was my grammar right there? Anyway, from there we went to bring Brady lunch and see the floor plan he was working on, and after that we picked up some chicken from Costco and headed home. Dekker was making quiet noise constantly, which is a surefire way to know he’s tired. So I fed him a nice big, warm bottle here at home and put him to bed. And now he’s talking away in there, completely awake. Little goober.

I’ll get up in…31 minutes and quickly make supper and put it in the crock pot. Yes, my famous honey chicken. One day, all of you will make it and understand why I’m this gung-ho about it. Maybe we’ll even eat it downstairs today, in nice squishy furniture, and watch a movie. Sounds nice.

Maybe baby will sleep until then. Probably not.