
Laela is quite the joker these days, and has taken to calling Rowan “Rowiss.” Thats my assumption of the spelling, anyway. I try to avoid putting the word “ass” into my kids names. Anyway, half the fun is that it drives Dekker up the wall. We remind him that its Laela’s little pet name for Rowan, and that as long as Rowan doesn’t mind, she can call him Rowiss. Of course, Laela milks it for all its worth. As I type this, I can hear from up in the loft “Here, Rowiss. Toy, Rowiss? Come back, Rowiss!!” Earlier this morning, she even tattled on him, coming up to me in tears, wailing “Rowiss pushed me over into a wall!” Don’t worry, the crisis was averted. When I asked what was hurt, she told me it was her feelings, and those seem to heal up pretty quick. She’s such a good girl. They’re all good kids.

Thanks to Kim doing all of my dishes yesterday (Thank you again for that, my friend) the kitchen seemed less daunting to me this morning, so I washed my dishes, and even managed to sneak in a shower! I got a new Lush shampoo bar that is deliciously lemony fresh, so it was a treat to crack that out. My hair is fresh, deodorant is on, and my teeth are brushed. I swear, this is the cleanest I’ve been in ages. I’ve enjoyed the morning, and am feeling refreshed, to a degree. Later in the day, after Brady is finished work, we’ll go see our chiropractor, which I hope will also provide some refreshment, and take away some of my pain. I definitely don’t expect to be pain-free, or even “comfortable,” but I could go for just a little bit less pain.

Until then, we’re going to keep taking it easy around here while Brady finishes up work on this stage of our house, and takes care of a couple of small things with his job. Today, he not only shooed a bird out of our bedroom through our window (without getting a disease) but more importantly, he finished up our closet shelves!!! My fave so far is the pantry.


Its pretty. I really miss having a pantry. I can’t wait to load it up with our food and get it all organized! Eek!

I’ve been informed by Dekker that Rowan is being “super happy and suuuper sweet” so I’m going to get my butt up into that loft and join the fun!