The Daily Hubsby?

First off, this is not Hailey, this is her husband Brady. She is away for the weekend at a craft retreat and I wanted to take advantage of this open day to write about her. I am not the exceptional writer that she is so this post will not be very enthralling or lengthy. Also this is  my first time blogging. haha. So here goes.

Hailey is a fantastic lady. She is caring, and thoughtful, and even in the midst of really hard times or big fights she has a soft, tender love that she extends in such a way that just melts away an animosity. She is understanding in my mistakes and offers advice or ideas when I’m stuck. Which, I’ve learned the hard way, are almost always the right ones.

She also has a way of befriending just about everyone she meets. Whether its church, the mall, a hair show, or even the flippin’ cashier at a convenience store, she always has a kind smile and encouraging word to brighten their day. Its beyond me how she does it but I love that about her.

And the way she takes care of Dekker is just wonderful! I am so happy to call her the mother of my son. Joyful in his victories and milestones, stern yet deliberate in discipline, heartbroken in his pain, and pure unbreakable motherly love in everything about him. 

My life would be nothing without her. I would live on, sure, but it would be empty… and boring. haha. The minute we drove away after Deks and I dropped her off for the weekend there was a major sense of ‘I miss her’ from the front seat and back. And we can’t wait to see her again tomorrow. Deks has already had too breakdowns where he just randomly bursts out crying saying “Mumumumumumum”. But after some long hugs and seeing pictures of his “Mumumumumumum”, he’s OK.

Hailey, you are dearly and devotedly loved! I hope you feel it every second of every day. 

Also, I hope its OK that I hacked your blog. haha.

Heres a picture from a couple years ago at Waskesieu. She’s gorgeous! I’m so lucky!



Wow. I did not know about this 🙂 I love you too, my sweet. Thank you for what you said. And for hacking my blog so I didn’t miss a day, lol. You thought of everything.


Wow. I did not know about this 🙂 I love you too, my sweet. Thank you for what you said. And for hacking my blog so I didn’t miss a day, lol. You thought of everything.