2018 Resolutions: How Did I Do?

I looked back for my new years resolutions, and I’m really happy I called them intentions. I felt less crappy about the fact that I didn’t remember any of them. There is just less pressure tied to intentions than resolutions. Anyway, I’ll stop nitpicking words. I only had three intentions this year and I don’t fail at ALL of them, so I’ll count that as a win!

Intention number one. Set money aside for Christmas. Nope. Did not do that. Maybe next year. 

Intention number two. Step up my blog game. I feel like I did that! Like its nothing crazy, but I did a few things different! I maintained my series and did a few mini series in there, too. I plan a bit better and pre-write posts when I have time so I can have better content and more thought out posts. I made a blog instagram page. That being said, I said on my “intentions” post that I would try to have specifically planned blogs every Monday and Friday, and I didn’t do that. But I still think, as a whole, I improved.

Intention number three. Stay more organized and don’t lose your mind when things get busy. I’m still not great at this, but I’m getting better! My appointment book helped a lot, as did open lines of communication with my husband and the people around me. Our group of friends and support has grown immensely, and I know better than ever that I can ask for help and receive it. I promise, I know it goes both ways! I do put into their lives, too! I’ve said before that having something extra up each day is as busy as I care to be, and sometimes even that feels like too much. I’m learning that I actually kind of enjoy that level of busyness! Some of the most fun days in the recent months have been the days where I literally have different company in the morning, afternoon, and evening all in one day! I’m learning that jobs can be stopped and started. I don’t have to blitz everything I do in one sitting, though its ideal. Its ok to be busy, and do as much as you can in the day, but its good to love your life, too!

Making “resolutions” like this is the way to do it for me! I’m sure I’ll be back in January with some fresh ones! Did any of you set intentional goals this year? How did you do?