A Full Sunday

I finally made it back to church today. Partly because I was part of leading music and part because someone reminded me that the technicalities of actually getting to church can be worked out. With there not being much of an option for Waverly and I during Sunday school before church, I usually stay home during that stretch. For Brady to load everyone up just to come back home to pick me up would be so much extra work, and that makes it really easy to just stay home. And honestly, sometimes thats nice. The quiet break is really needed and appreciated sometimes. But getting my family to Sunday school shouldn’t be what prevents me from going to church. Obviously. Aaaaanyway, that was a ramble. I went to church today. We all did. But Wavy and I did spend Sunday school time at home. She makes funny faces now, for the record. Its adorable.

Her hair though 😍

Music went well. Waverly wasn’t feeling 100% this morning at all, so I held her through most of the music on stage. She only had one mini hissy-fit where she wanted to grab the microphone and protested me. But we rallied. And someone lovingly took her for the closing, knowing full well she might cry. That was nice. Beyond that, I spent most of the service going in and out, trying to shut down a loud child. It wasn’t an easy first Sunday back at all, but I was glad I got to go, see people I really care about, and I had the opportunity to stand up and thank everyone who came together and helped us through our miscarriage. It was long overdue, but it was important to say. It means a lot to our family that our miscarriage was acknowledged by our church as a legitimate loss, not just a health thing or something “routine” that so many people go through. It was never downplayed, and people continue to check in on me. We are so fortunate to have the community we have.

After church, we headed to spend the day with my mom. We had grilled cheese buns with bacon on top, and pickles for lunch. It was delicious! The nappers went down shortly there after, pretty seamlessly. Brady took Laela to Costco at that point, because we were accidentally out of diapers 😳 Whoops. Dekker and my mom built an extra fancy paper airplane together. And I knitted like a grandmother 👵 because I’m cool like that. We had some Christmas music on in the background and everything. It was a super nice afternoon.

When supper time rolled around, Dekker and Laela got to work helping grandma make the pizza. From making the dough to spreading the sauce to sprinkling toppings, they were elbow deep in it! They did great!

While the big kids helped make the pizza, the little boys played and took turns with the sunglasses. They both looked fly.

I texted a picture of them to a friend saying they were “too stylin,” and autocorrect changed it to “too stupid.” 😂 I laughed super hard. Hopefully thats not horrible…

Wavy napped a lot and needed to be held a lot. It was cozy, though. We all took turns ❤️

It was almost time to pack up, but mom stole me away to talk Christmas for a minute or two. While we holed up in a room to talk in private, we heard the kids counting closely outside the door. All on their own, they had started up a game of hide and seek. Because they’re the best.

MAN I love my family.

Grab Bag from the Last Couple of Days

I have some pictures that I want to share that didn’t specifically fit into the posts I wrote. So today will be something of a mixed bag, but I like that ☺️ Hopefully you do, too! Some are pictures Brady took. Some are progress pictures. Some are pictures Facebook showed me that I loved all over again. Anyway, enjoy!

Remember how I said Waverly loves to dress up? I wasn’t kidding. She asked to wear one of my tank tops the other day. “Wear this?”

A couple of days ago, Wavy wanted me. ME. I am rarely her answer for comfort. Always her daddy. But that day, it was mommy all the way. And of course, as you’d expect, it was when I had my hands full already, standing at the stove. But I was so happy she wanted me ❤️ So we fried bacon together. I even gave her her own purple tongs to play with.

Come to think of it, she probably just wanted the bacon. I don’t blame her.

So this isn’t a great picture, but Rowan threw up the other morning. He wasn’t sick after the fact so I’m not sure what actually happened, but he was ok. But, when he wasn’t feeling well, he came upstairs to our room and we got him a bucket just in time. Dekker heard the commotion and came upstairs to help. He is SUCH a loving, willing brother. Once Rowan’s nausea had subsided, Dekker helped Ro get settled downstairs on the couch with blankets, a bucket, his water, etc. Sorry he’s in his underwear, but, real life.

The day Rowan barfed was the day I was away, actually. Thank goodness he rallied right after throwing up and was firing on all cylinders for the rest of the day! That day turned out to be a cute one. Dekker worked on his Smithsonian kit thing and chiselled for diamonds all morning. He was both excited and dusty.

Laela played with Waverly, and built Duplo with her. Wavy loves her siblings SO much.

And no pictures of Solomon, lol! Because it was a busy enough day that sometimes, stuff gets missed. Sorry, Solly! We love you!

Then Facebook reminded me that we bought our van 🚌 three years ago! Look at little Rowan back there!

And look at him again!! 😍 He is SO cute!! They all are!!

One last flashback picture…

Sollys round head and little tongue 😛

The one thing I splurged on yesterday was a little decorative Christmas tree. You might know, if you’ve followed along long enough, that we put little mismatched trees up above our kitchen cabinets every year. I didn’t buy any new ones last year or maybe even the year before, so I bit the bullet and bought a cute little weird one yesterday.

Its dilapidated and awkward and crooked and I love it. It fits us perfectly.

Brady finished the tile under the laundry machines! Woop woop!

Lastly, I offer you a picture of my happy, albeit messy, place. (Our new duvet is part of that!)

I have SO many fun projects on the go and I need to get moving! I was at a standstill for a bit there, lacking the colours I needed to complete half-finished projects. And now that I have almost all the colours I need, I have no excuse left! While I organize gifts and make crafty plans, Brady is outside, saws running and dust flying, as he cuts MDF in our front yard. We are both working, in different ways, to complete our projects. Its a good season.

Moseying in the Name of Christmas

I spent today with my mom, from morning until evening, moseying through Saskatoon with Christmas in mind. It was SO lovely.

We first went to an appointment, where I planned to knit in the waiting room. Turns out, I left key components of what I needed in the car about fifteen or so miles away. Not actually that far, but far enough that I was going back to get them! Rather, I made some plans on my phone and got excited and organized for the day.

From there, we drove to get some early lunch and discovered that now BOTH Tony Romas are closed!!! When did that happen?! We were so disappointed, but rallied, and drowned our sorrows in shrimp and Red Lobster. A solid second choice 👌

Look at her, accusing me of taking a picture of her 😇

We made our way to Stonebridge, which was the main event. We had a handful of places to hit there, and neither of us are really ever in that area. We started at Walmart, because I’m having trouble rounding up some of the yarn colours I need. I found a bit there, but not much. We didn’t find too much else there, but it was nice to wander through anyway. Then we ducked into Carter/Osh Kosk, Warehouse One, and Marks. Found a few things here and there. Got Wavy her “need” gift. Then across the street to Homesense, which was actually the whole point of the day. We wanted to peruse Homesense and feel festive and excited, while looking for a thing or two. I did manage to resist a LOT, but I buckled and purchased a little tree to add to our array of trees that goes above our kitchen cabinets every Christmas. I didn’t buy a new one last year at all, so it felt justified, even with limited funds. It was fun to get into the excitement of it all. Aaaaand after Homesense, we went back across to Dollarama, because we were thirsty. Guys, those Pure Leaf iced teas that are SO good are at Dollarama in the little fridge for just one dollar!! I highly recommend the raspberry one. It just tastes like summertime. Fresh summertime.

Stonebridge wiped us out a little, but we were determined to keep going. To Preston Crossing we went, for Old Navy, Walmart again, and Michaels. Would you believe I still don’t have the colours I need??? Goodness. It shouldn’t be so difficult! But I’m closer than I was this morning, so I’ll take it!

It was starting to get dark so we packed it in, determined to get home before the freezing rain came back again. We grabbed a quick bite of fast food and brought it back to my moms to enjoy before heading back home. I felt so fortunate to spend a day with her, getting excited about the season to come, making a few plans, and just being in each other’s company. We have a beautiful relationship ❤️ I sure love you, mom. Thank you for inviting me on this date.

** A handful of people tried to get in touch with me today, and I wasn’t especially reachable. I’m sorry about that! But I’m also not. I loved today too much to be diligently responding to things. Give me a second or two and I’ll try to respond to things tomorrow 🙂 **

Playing and Planning and Productivity

I have a lot of things on my mind these days, and they tend to come out pretty jumbled and incoherent on here. But I’m trying! Today, we’ll focus on this particular alliteration – P words! Playing. Planning. Productivity.

Playing! Today we spent the morning at a friends house. By “we,” I mean me and the kids. We went and spent a couple of hours at their house, where I had a friend to visit with, and the kids had friends to play with, as well as new toys and games, etc. It was a really nice morning where I kept an eye on Waverly, but otherwise, the kids were happily occupied. A fire was crackling in the living room, and there was almost no arguments to referee. I even had a brief opportunity to show one of her children the tricks around loom knitting! He had started a while back and forgot how to continue, and I got to show him the ropes (yarn) again and refresh him how to do it. Something about that just made me happy 🙂 🧶 I love all that crafty stuff.

Also on the subject of playing, the big kids are downstairs playing LEGO while the little ones nap. I cannot wait until anyone can use the basement without our needing to supervise constantly. But today, Brady is down there, so they can be, too. And I can be up here, blogging, and writing a few other things down. We’ll get there.

Ok, I’m going out of order. Productivity! Brady’s been working hard getting jambs and casing painted. He’s doing two coats on each, and has spread out in the garage. Heaters are pumping and he’s diligently working to get the coats done even both in one day if possible. The sooner the better!!

He was even able to get started working on the tile floor under the laundry machines while I was gone with the kids in the morning. He’s continuing to work on that now, as its pretty important to have the flooring taken care of before putting on door jambs. So he’s working on all things basement, and I’m getting more and more excited!

Back to planning!! I’m in such a planning mode. Planning the basement. Planning how we’ll get through the next month or two without forgetting everything. Planning gifts and outings for Christmas. Planning my delivery day for the homemade gift exchange and how to get everyone all necessary info. Planning fun family activities. Planning music for our next coffeehouse on December 5th. I got all jazzed up talking about Christmas baking with Jerilee last night and I’m just extra excited now! I want to make everything. But I should start with just making anything at all, lol, before setting my sights too too high. 😆

Its a very busy season. Or at least its coming up to a very busy season. But I feel optimistic and excited!

The Basement Project in November

After our huge carpet accomplishment last month, I figured we’d be sitting ducks for a month or so while we saved up and got organized enough for the next step. In the meantime, we’ve been using the basement for The Office and reorganizing the lego sets. Beyond that, nothing has really changed. Its way warmer and comfier and homier down there though! Woot!

Our plan was to go to our supplier at the end of the month for doors, trim, handles, bathroom hardware, etc., and wrap up the basement just before Christmas. But I did some thinking and realized how tight of a timeline that was going to be. Not only was I putting a lot of finishing work on Brady in the last month before Christmas, but we also paint the trim and doors ourselves here at home, which isn’t a hard job but its nitpicky and takes time. Some of Brady’s work for the week dropped off, so yesterday he spoke to his supplier and headed into the city for all the trim and jambs!!

This makes way more sense. I know it makes practical sense to paint all of the things at once, but frankly, the doors and handles have to be ordered, and rather than waiting for them to arrive and painting doors and trim all together, this will save time in the long run. So the trim and jambs came home yesterday and are ready for painting!! When the doors come, they’ll get their turn, but our doors have enough detail and profile in them that painting them is a labour of love, and will take way longer and way more brain power than painting the flat panel trim will. Painting the doors will happen in a couple of weeks when they arrive, but the time for trim is now!!

Thats mostly what’s left. Baseboards. Casing. Doors installed. Door handles. Towel bars. Toilet paper holder. Vent covers. Closet rods and shelves. Light fixtures. Oh, we have to tile under the laundry machines, too, but we have everything for it. We were just waiting for the doors to come and make sense of that whole setup. Curtains would be good, but I know that doesn’t count as renovation materials.

What’s left to come – eight doors, six door handles, and a hand towel bar. Did you guys know many builders will supply a toilet paper holder and one towel bar in a bathroom, but not a hand towel bar?? Or, weirdly enough, they often don’t supply a shower rod!! So you have a big sweaty day of moving in and then can’t shower it off! Bizarre, right?? We’re obviously not having that problem because we’re doing it ourselves, but, interesting info. I think so, anyway.

Wish us luck, friends! We have hopes to have finishing this basement off before Christmas, and it actually feels like a reasonable goal!! I’m SO excited!! Just wait until you see it 🙂


The title sounds like I have an EXCELLENT topic in mind, but thats a lie. Or, its not, but, double meaning. Just go with me. 

Do you remember that post about my weird skin issues on my face? Its been almost an entire year of frustrating with my skin, thinking I had a fungal infection, thinking I was contagious, thinking I was spreading sickness to my children, etc. IT SUCKED. When I finally got to a dermatologist, he told me all the fuss was over something so simple – eczema. Goodness. He gave me a couple of prescriptions, for me and for Wavy, and that was that. Problem solved.

Except I didn’t fill them, because it was just eczema. Wavy’s patches were easily solved with galaxal based lotion, and I figured mine would be too. I was approved to put it around my eyes, so I started doing it diligently and figured I would be in the clear in no time. 

But, as you can guess, I wasn’t. My eyes flared up like CRAZY! I had one eyelid completely red and inflamed, from my lash line almost all the way up to my eyebrow. The same eye had a small patch on the lower lash line. My other eye had a big patch below it, and it was growing actively, plus a patch up against the eyebrow. They were getting really itchy, and I couldn’t kick it. I switched lotions. I felt like I saw some progress, and the biggest patch peeled off, but it grew right back and there was no relief. 

Finally, over thanksgiving, it started to itch deeper. I didn’t put it all together right away, but suddenly I felt like I was having allergic reactions. My eyes were tearing and itching and rubby and SO irritated. I was putting eye drops in and there was only temporary relief. It was pretty miserable. The first time it happened, I thought it was a freak thing, and then it happened the next day, and the next day. 

So I bit the bullet and filled that stupid prescription, albeit passive aggressively. Because shouldn’t lotion clear up dry skin?? I know, its more than that, but I was pretty mad to fill a $95 prescription just for dry skin. It was called “Protopic.”

And guys. That medication burned like no other. I put it on before bed and about a half hour later asked Brady if we could call it a night early. I needed the lights off and to be able to close my eyes. I didn’t tell Brady though. I didn’t want him to worry and I was in denial. 

The next morning, I could still feel the burning. I was a bit alarmed, and did some googling. I wondered if the medication filled was actually one of the ones for Waverly that was prescribed on the same day, and wasn’t meant for the eye area. I was worried I was reacting. I didn’t know. So I googled “Protopic eczema eyelid burning.” As it turns out, the burning is a super common side effect! Some people said it burned constantly through their days/weeks of treatment. Some people said it burned for a half hour. Some people said it burned for the first treatment or two. And almost everyone said its worth it, because that stuff works. And WOW did I hope they were right! It was unanimous that protopic is the best cream for eyelid eczema. It seems basically like its the cream that they give you after they’ve exhausted every other option. Its the stuff they’d give Beyonce. And that its probably because its so expensive that they hold off. Its also not a steroid, and doesn’t peel your skin away at all. Just heals, apparently, at the root. 

Guys. It. Works. 

That first day after I had the medication, my patches of eczema changed constantly. They occasionally flaked a little. They weren’t sore anymore. It was really interesting. I was allowed to use the cream twice daily but I didn’t want my eyes to burn all day, and I wasn’t willing to take the risk, so I didn’t put it on again until the next evening. And it didn’t burn!! I was so relieved. 

I kid you not, by the next day, you couldn’t tell I had eyelid eczema without looking very closely or me telling you myself. Nothing was red anymore. The littler patches were barely visible. You could see beautiful happy skin just beyond the dry, dead skin that was flaking off from before. Nothing itched or left me with uneven eyes. 

On day three, I probably could’ve just stopped, but I went longer to be totally sure its gone. 

My goodness, its the craziest thing ever. I can’t believe it works SO WELL SO FAST!!! I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin for the first time this entire last year. Almost a full year of eczema cleared up in a couple of days. It was clear in 5 days.

I know people have things far worse, and one product simply cannot work for everyone, but friends, this is one to try!! I’m SO relieved I filled my prescription. I went from being annoyed that I was prescribed such an expensive ointment to being SO THANKFUL he gave me the good stuff first!! What. A. Relief. 

Have any of you used this? Do any of you want to use this?! You shooooould!!

The Week Looks Good

Back to school. Back to work. Back to reality. I so enjoyed the last week, having Brady home to be with our family, and help out in the daytime. We got so much done and I feel like all kinds of dreams and plans are in bloom! But today, he heads back to work for the bulk of the week.

The week looks good though. I’m in a good crafting mode, so there’s that. Progress there. We have a plan for the final basement stuff, which feels very exciting. I have company or a fun plan literally every day this week! Some days its just for a little stretch and some days its more. But its that great kind of company where I’ll be visiting with people I can relax and be myself around. Kids will be home for two usual school days, so we’ll get some home time together, and Brady has Friday off. All days are filled with fun things and plans and I anticipate it will be a really good week. Lots to look forward to, and lots of breathing room, all rolled into one!

But today is day one of this busy, fun week. So far, I’ve gotten the big kids off to school, which isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Kids were fed, lunches were packed, one show and tell was assembled. It was a morning of stories, critiquing this batch of yogurt, paper airplanes, Christmas gift ideas, markers, and sticker books. Sticker books and markers have now become one activity, so thats happening, but the boys are occupied. Meanwhile, Waverly is still asleep. She woke with my alarm, and cried, but it was such a tired cry and lasted no more than a minute. She’s been quiet ever since. Dishes are done. I still need to think about a supper plan, but I’ll get there soon. Its time to pour myself a coffee and make a little list to organize my week just a little, so nothing gets missed.

It feels like a good morning. AND its a Monday! Woot!

So Many Fun Things on the Go

Yesterday was such a fun day. Our town had their local Christmas marketplace, where everyone gets excited about the upcoming holiday and sells their products. I had it in my head that maybe I’d actually participate in this year, but by no ones fault but my own, I wasn’t able to. But I was still really excited to go check it out, as I always am.

This year, I weaselled my neighbour into joining me for the walk over and the mosey through. It was a warm enough day that we really enjoyed our walk. And the marketplace was really nice! It was festive and bustling and smelled great. I wasn’t able to buy anything this time around, but it was nice to chat and connect with people, and get ideas for gifts and a few business cards/info. I hope I’ll be there next November, selling something I can make that I’m proud of. Along with my mom, hopefully. We shall see! I’m getting ahead of myself, thinking about next Christmas before this one has even begun! Lol!

When I got home from the marketplace, I had some lunch and settled in for the afternoon. Except I ended up leaving shortly thereafter to a nearby craft retreat for the afternoon! There is more to that story but I won’t put it on the internet. What I will say is that I had SO much fun, and I can’t wait for the next one in March! I sat with a group of ladies for a handful of hours, working on crafts, projects, gifts, etc. We talked in little groups and big groups, and I got to know new people. It so fun for me. Very much my scene. Its a general group victory when somebody woops, and everyone comes to attention to see what’s been made. Its very encouraging and fun. I loved it so much. I stayed way longer than I anticipated, and finally bowed out around 8:15. Once all the kids were tucked into bed 😉

I drove home, listening to the new Walk Off the Earth album, singing along, and I didn’t even hit a single deer. Lol! I was greeted by a loving husband, a quiet house, and a bath. We had a soak, ate chips and chocolate (our go-to post-Halloween snack) and watched Netflix. It was so so nice.

After yesterday, I felt renewed. I feel hopeful for the projects I have on the go. I feel capable. I feel excited about the basement getting done. I feel excited about what spring will bring. I feel excited to get a fence and a yard. I feel like some things are finally coming together, and I feel less in over my head than I have recently. Without being too forward, I feel like maybe my hormones are a little more in order than they have been over the last month or two. I feel like I can breathe, yet not a lot has changed. But I feel refreshed.

I feel peaceful as I sit here with my family. (I know its a messy island, look past it, please!) My three littlest ones are napping. Laela is writing letters and drawing pictures. Dekker’s mind is swirling with crafts, and he’s working on a project involving many detailed paper Christmas trees. I’m writing this blog and making some lists alongside it. And Brady was researching a project for the springtime before he headed downstairs to measure up the rest of the basement and order the remainder of the finishing package! Ack!!! Its coming, guys. I’m SO thankful to have a way to keep record of these things, too. One day, maybe, my kids can read back and watch our little house dreams come true ❤️

So. Many. Needles.

So. Many. Needles.

** Friendly preface to keep big anti-vax opinions to yourselves 😘 No disrespect to you! Lets keep it respectful across the board. If you know you HATE vaccines, feel free to move along and catch the next blog tomorrow 😃 No love lost on my part! **

Whew! Ok guys. Yesterday was HUGE. Or it sure felt huge. I can’t believe we got it all done. Some important things have been put off long enough, so we decided to go in and see how much we could get done on a Friday. And somehow, we did it ALL! It was Brady and I, along with Rowan, Solomon, and Waverly.

We started at Lawson. I needed to get another blood draw to check my hormone levels. When the lab switched from Gamma Dyna-Care to Life Labs, it made online booking possible. Thats super handy, because wait times are often LONG. But naturally, when I’m needing to go in, the online check-in option went down all across Canada. So we just had to try. And the wait wasn’t bad. I did, however, have possibly the worlds least pleasant person draw my blood. This wasn’t my first go round with her, either. She just pretends you don’t even speak. Ignores me completely. Its bizarre. You don’t have to be a social, people person to be polite. I’m just saying. Don’t be like that. But we got that done. Boom.

From there, we headed to the hospital for my other blood work. I’ve had a requisition to get some blood work done since we lost our baby in October, and being that I don’t hang out at the hospital all too often, I haven’t prioritized getting that bloodwork done. But as the results have a month wait time tacked onto them, its been long enough. I also couldn’t make an appointment there, either, so I had to just go in. And guys I got SO LOST!!! I’m sure you’re thinking “But its just on the main level.” So I know that now, except when you look it up, it says fifth floor, above the old fetal assessment entrance. I double checked the requisition itself, and sure enough, it confirmed it was on the fifth floor. So I went there, figuring things had moved around maybe since the whole maternity ward moved over to the new children’s hospital. The fifth floor was pretty eerie, now that no recovering mothers were hanging out in there. There were all kinds of signs saying NO patient rooms, NO exits this way, etc. I finally asked someone and she pointed me towards some doors, saying I was in the right place. The “right” doors had a big stop sign, saying no entry, biohazard, etc. She reassured me I could go. So I did. And you better believe I was met with a man and a women in full blue hazmat type suits, telling me I couldn’t be there. Turns out I was at the actual test lab – where blood is taken to get tested, not where its taken from your arm. I was somewhat mortified and apologized profusely. I was reassured I was not the first person to make this mistake and likely wouldn’t be the last. Where, then, do I belong, I asked. They looked at me like I was a bit stupid and asked “Do you know where Starbucks is?” Yes, folks, I know RUH has a Starbucks, but at that moment, I had no idea how to get to it. But I figured it out eventually, once the elevators took me back to the main level and I looked for the little green mermaid. There she was, right next to a big sign with a big drop on it. Blood drop. I could’ve hugged the lady who took my requisition and confirmed I was in the right place. Whew! Finally! I waited maybe fifteen minutes and my name was called. I confirmed my name and birthdate, like you’re supposed to, and then the woman decided to take blood from the same spot my previous test had been done. And she knew it. I had to remove the tape and cotton so she could use it. Weird, right? She “didn’t want a challenge on a Friday” so she opted for the east spot, even though it was already poked. Anyway, I was just so happy I got it done finally. Now we wait a month.

That was a long, kind of frustrating stop, but I was relieved to have it over with. AND there was still time to hit the walk-in vaccine clinic at Westwinds!

So Waverly is 16 months old and we still haven’t gotten her her one year shots. And Rowan still doesn’t have his four year old booster, and he turned four in February!!! Yikes! Better late than never, right?? So we got to the clinic early and put our names in the queue. The kids sat really well, but didn’t have to wait for too terribly long before we were called in all together. The nurse who was paired with us was just amazing. SUPER sweet to the kids. She right away said something about Rowan being a girl, and when I corrected her, she was super graceful about it. She complimented Rowan’s beautiful hair and he giggled about it and wasn’t put off. It was one of the more seamless interactions in that way. We had decided that Rowan would have his vaccine first, and then if he got really upset about it, they could haul out and I could finish with Wavy. Our nurses brought up to us that the flu shots are available now, and asked if we wanted them. We hadn’t previously discussed it, but we both said yes, we’d like our kids to be vaccinated for the flu. (DON’T EAT ME!) I commented that I wish I had thought of it before, I’d have put Solomon on the list, and the nurse right away grabbed a form and gave us time to fit him in too ☺️ It was really nice of her to just roll with it.

So Rowan went first, and as you might imagine, he didn’t really sell it. 😬 I had tipped the nurses off that he was probably going to be pretty loud about it, and we said together that we’d just do one after the other, fast, and then be done. So it was a pretty dramatic 20 seconds but he lived through it, and got a sticker.

Solly was understandably concerned about his needle, and he was crying before it even started. Again, our nurse just blitzed it and was super loving the whole time. Solly was a sweaty mess, he was so worked up, but he recovered quickly thereafter. Brady took the boys out right afterwards to wait the fifteen minutes out in the waiting room. There was promise of timbits waiting.

Waverly was not happy with all the crying and was a little off her game, but that poor little girl needed FOUR shots! 😩 Poor dear! The nurse and I decided what would go where, and I got Wavy all snuggled up and we started. She was very upset, but she didn’t fight. She leaned back and cried, and we blitzed her needles. As soon as it was over, I sat her up and the nurse passed her a bell, and she was quiet and settled. I dressed her and she was tolerated me, but that was all. She was annoyed.

We saw ourselves out and went to sit out in an outer waiting area for fifteen minutes. Brady and the boys had waited theirs already and went to drive to get some timbits while Wavy and I waited. And it worked out! Those a fifteen minutes were a nice little grace period for Wavy to be back to her old self and want to wander and play.

She did great. They all did. No reactions, no lasting upset, nothing. I was SO proud of them!! Between all of us, we got NINE pokes today! Thats a LOT.

Aaaaand there’s more to come. More flu shots for the rest of us. Double up flu shots for Rowan and Solly. Wavy’s 18 month vaccines. Not to mention waiting for results from all the blood work. Its over, but not over at all. Ah well. Yesterday, at least, we basically crushed it. Win!

Halloween 2019: What Were the Kids?

Alright, friends. If we didn’t see you trick or treating this year, here’s the skinny.

Dekker was going to be pizza. He had already decided. He was pizza in grade one, and it was hilarious, and loved it. So he wanted to be that again. But, in digging through our pile of dress up clothes, he came across a skeleton costume. He was SOLD. He made a mask to go with it, but that got broken at school :/ He was pretty discouraged, so before we went out, I scratched together some dark grey liquid lipstick, some liners, and some eye shadows, and helped him do up his face. It was a pretty juvenile special effects makeup job, haha, but he was thrilled! 💀

Laela was digging through our costumes and was trying to princess dress after princess dress. For whatever reason, they weren’t hitting the mark for her. She didn’t care for the animal costumes or anything along those lines, either. She tried on the muscle man costume and really rocked it! But she said it was for boys. I told her women can have muscles too, but she wasn’t feeling it. And then she dug out the fireman costume, and that was it. That’s what she wanted to be. She came home from school saying someone had made fun of her costume, and that it was for boys. I told her that was too bad, and that women could absolutely fight fires! I started to list off all the things that are stereotypical boy things that women were perfectly capable of doing, too. When I said “Women can be…” Laela interrupted me and said “Strong!” I LOVED that!!! Before we tricked or treated, I dusted some dark eye shadow on her face to look all sooty and she was good to go! 👩‍🚒

Rowan opted to be a big fuzzy tiger this year. Last year he had wanted nothing to do with a costume, and this year he was INTO it! He picked it almost immediately and it was simply decided. No ifs ands or buts about it. He would be a tiger. He even let me make his face up! It was pretty smeared by the end of it, but he got a little brown nose, big brows, some cheek dots, and whiskers. He was super happy with his costume, though he ditched the hood almost immediately. His hair was wild enough. It still worked. 🐯

Solomon went for the other soft animal onesie we had on hand. He chose to be a giraffe. And it was a good thing he dressed warm underneath because that thing was it’s own wedgie, hahaha! It was definitely too short in the body, but the snuggly layers underneath made him comfortable. He was not, however, comfortable with the hood. He wanted to wear it, but it made life getting in and out of the van pretty challenging. He couldn’t ever see where he was going. By the end of it, Brady was carrying him more than he was walking on his own. And not even because he was tired of walking, but always holding the big giraffe nose up and out of the way. But it was terribly cute. He was happy to be cozy and to be a giraffe. 🦒

Waverly has fewer costumes to choose from, but the ONE that fit her this year is my FAVORITE costume we own. She was SO excited as the kids dug through the tubs and bags of dress up clothes, but when I handed this one to her, she was SOLD. She screamed and shook it madly at us to put it on her. Thats how she became the sweetest little pineapple child for the day. I tried to put makeup on her face, and she tolerated it nicely, but then smeared it like crazy and I ended up wiping it off. She didn’t need any extra glitz. She was SO cute all on her own, and a very popular trick or treater, if I do say so myself. 🍍

A group picture was next to impossible, but you can’t say I didn’t try. Haha!

We left right around 5:00, after a quick, easy supper and stayed out until shortly after 7:00. The kids did SO well! A couple of different times, they’d slip in slush or step in a deep puddle, and everyone was able to rally and keep moving. No one melted down even once! Rowan got close once, which was really too bad. There’s a house near ours that had a really startling decoration last year, and it really really scared the kids. The kids started heading to that house, and they almost turned around because they hated it SO much the year before. But Dekker and Laela pressed forward and the spider didn’t jump at them. Rowan wanted SO badly to join them but he was so scared, and that upset him a lot. But, true story, I hated that thing too, and I told him we’d still hit a couple of houses, and he wasn’t missing the last one. That seemed to help a bit.

Our last area to hit is our own little house clump, so we picked up our neighbour and her son, and we did the house clump together!! It was fun! Same time next year, guys??

It was all terribly cute, and a lot of fun. And so so SO WET! The kids faired so well. I was really pleased with the creative treats so many people gave, including things that suited Waverly! There was a lot of full sized candy/chocolate out there, which is always fun! We have a big stack of fruit to go, and lots of chips and fruit snacks. A ton of chocolate and candy as well, of course, but we’ll help the kids with it 😉 We loved the trunk or treat event set up by the churches, and the people who always go out of their way for our little family, with treat bags, or extra things beyond candy. You all know who you are.

We love our people, and we love the fun that is Halloween in our little town.