The Week Looks Good

Back to school. Back to work. Back to reality. I so enjoyed the last week, having Brady home to be with our family, and help out in the daytime. We got so much done and I feel like all kinds of dreams and plans are in bloom! But today, he heads back to work for the bulk of the week.

The week looks good though. I’m in a good crafting mode, so there’s that. Progress there. We have a plan for the final basement stuff, which feels very exciting. I have company or a fun plan literally every day this week! Some days its just for a little stretch and some days its more. But its that great kind of company where I’ll be visiting with people I can relax and be myself around. Kids will be home for two usual school days, so we’ll get some home time together, and Brady has Friday off. All days are filled with fun things and plans and I anticipate it will be a really good week. Lots to look forward to, and lots of breathing room, all rolled into one!

But today is day one of this busy, fun week. So far, I’ve gotten the big kids off to school, which isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Kids were fed, lunches were packed, one show and tell was assembled. It was a morning of stories, critiquing this batch of yogurt, paper airplanes, Christmas gift ideas, markers, and sticker books. Sticker books and markers have now become one activity, so thats happening, but the boys are occupied. Meanwhile, Waverly is still asleep. She woke with my alarm, and cried, but it was such a tired cry and lasted no more than a minute. She’s been quiet ever since. Dishes are done. I still need to think about a supper plan, but I’ll get there soon. Its time to pour myself a coffee and make a little list to organize my week just a little, so nothing gets missed.

It feels like a good morning. AND its a Monday! Woot!