26 Hours

Our trip to Regina came and went in only 26 hours! It felt longer than that, and I’m SO grateful to Jerilee for giving us that night away! The life we’ve chosen isn’t quick to give us getaways, so we are SO thankful when we do get those opportunities!

We left Saskatoon early/mid afternoon on Saturday after filling the van with gas and picking up iced capps.

We listened to good music on the drive, specifically the mew Marianas Trench album. Guys, its SO good! We were amped to hear it live, we wanted to know the songs as well as possible!

We got to Regina and checked into our hotel. We had missed the memo that our Holiday Inn & Suites had suites. I know. Thank you, captain obvious. But thats what we got! A nice big room with a king bed, a couch and some chairs at a table, a bathroom (obviously,) a small fridge, a keurig, among other things. The staff were nice, too. We checked in and got ready for the concert. It wasn’t long before we needed to leave to go get ourselves fed! To Boston Pizza we went!

I know, nothing too crazy, but we like it there. We got an appetizer and a pizza and had a really yummy supper. Guys, I could eat tropical chicken pizza all day every day. Its my faaavorite!

From there, we headed to the concert! We were about an hour early, but that turned out to be a good choice, because even that early, we parked a good ways away.

For the sake of parking, it made sense to be early, but for no other reason. Rather than another arena tour, Marianas Trench is going through auditoriums, so picture theatre seats rather than crowds of people pushing towards the stage. I like both, but the old lady in me loves having my spot to set my hypothetical stuff, and the guarantee that no one will be standing directly against me. Except Brady. He’s allowed.

We waited along with everyone else, and the doors opened about a half hour before the show started.

We felt pretty “meh” about the opening band. They had a LOT of fun, which was great, but everything was super electronic and distorted. I couldn’t understand a single word, and I think lyrics are a big part of the music I like. But to each their own. I was MUCH more excited about the main event band!!

And guys, they did not disappoint!

Say what you will about Marianas Trench. I know they’re a popular radio band, and not everyone’s cup of tea. If you like their singles at all, I challenge you to go listen to the music they haven’t put on the radio! Their opening and closing numbers are SO artistic and full, and a clear display of their raw talent. They can jump from style to style, seemingly effortlessly, and ace it all! The lead singer ran around the auditorium, sang HARD, and hit all the falsetto notes, with serious power behind them! It was pretty amazing! I screamed and cheered for them like I would’ve back in high school. It was just so so fun! And WOW, was I deaf afterwards!! Worth it!

We got back to our hotel, after picking up some ice cream, and snuggled in bed, watching some tv and eating dessert. I fell asleep embarrassingly quickly, but I was completely spent!!

This morning, we took our time getting moving. Meanwhile, Jerilee was decorating cookies with our kids, sending pictures, and feeding them/keeping them alive for us. A loving neighbour even dropped by a bunch of fresh cinnamon buns!! Our family was SO well cared for! We were able to doddle a little bit getting our of Regina, and made our way home without rush. The best way!

We’re home now, after a warm reception 🙂 Everyone was happy and well and full of stories! And truthfully, we were very happy to be home. It was SO nice to get out, but man do we love our kids, also! Its great to be home. Always.

Thank you, friends, who help us get out once in a while, and make sure we get some treats and special times away together. What an enormous gift!