
Well, despite the fact that we all slept better than we expected, all three of the littles are now down for the count. They’re all still quite friendly and in good spirits, but they’re noses are flowing and the dry cough is almost a constant white noise. Good fun.

I expect to be graced with its presence in the next few days, but hopefully not quite yet. If I could still be healthy tomorrow, that would be great, because my mom and I are going on a date, but then I could be sick Thursday to Saturday, and if I could be healthy again for Fathers Day, that would be great. Sooo if any of you have any say about that kind of thing, put in a good word for me!

Lastly, as I type this, I’m texting the always lovely Jerilee, and we’re talking about having a barbecue together. Its making me really REALLY excited and hungry and wanting to host some type of gathering. Anyone? Anyone? Burgers, grilled veggies, long island iced tea, maybe corn on the cob? YUM.

You’d think I hadn’t eaten supper yet, but you’d be wrong. I just REALLY want barbecue now.