
This morning, Brady and I woke up to our alarm at 8am. Brady felt the best he’s felt in about three weeks, and I felt like I could die. I’m not sick (yet) but my goodness, was I exhausted! It took a while to drag myself out of bed, but we did it. We got Dekker up and ready, and went to church. I feel like we haven’t attended in months, when its only been two missed weeks. Either way, it was great to be back. All of the little babies I love have grown up so much for the last little while, and I fee like I’ve missed so much. Yet, I can attest to Dekker’s crazy changes over the last two weeks as well. He walks like a champ, for one thing, his hair is much longer, and he really doesn’t look like a baby anymore. He’s a toddler. A little man. Craziness.

My current favorite pat of his new self is his love for cuddles. Dekker is very busy and doesn’t usually sit still for very long at all. However, he reaches for me so much these days! Normally, he sees me all day and sees his dad only in the evenings. So when Daddy is home, he is king. I understand that. Instead of getting jealous and frustrated, I find joy in the fact that they love each other so much. But being wanted feels amazing. Even sometimes when Dekker is being held by someone else, he’ll reach out to me for a hug. He’s not necessarily trying to get to me, but he wants me. Also lately, he is fairly easily tearful. It doesn’t take much to get him started, and sometimes we have little to no idea where his tears came from. But it is so wonderful how, in some situations, all he wants is to sit on a lap with a book. He really is growing up.

I’ll end my post with a poor quality picture. Dekker just had his bedtime milk in our bed with us. Before he went to his own room, Brady went to refill the humidifier we have running in his room to help with his cold. Dekker lay flat out on me and just breathed while I sang “This Little Light of Mine” over and over. I love those times.

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