A Bit of a Down Day

I’ll keep today’s post short.

Do you remember Monday? The day when I napped my whole crew around 10:30 because they were all complete exhausted disasters? Today was very much on the same course.

I took them for a drive to bring Brady a coffee, which is kind of a win for everyone. But my little troop did not rally. Rather, they disintegrated upon arriving harm, scarcely eating any lunch before going to bed.

A loving friend dropped by for a little bit so I didn’t just stew in my own frustration all afternoon. I slept maybe three hours last night, which I know is a huge part of why I am the way I am today. Everything is SO much more difficult when a person is behind in sleep. I know we can all relate, I’m not saying I’m any more tired than anyone else.

I know I haven’t done a good job today. I’ve been harsh and unreasonable, and I have some apologies to hand out after nap time. I haven’t eaten, and I really need to shower. Today has just been a day I’ve let get away on me, and it shows. I’m struggling, and its not helping those around me succeed, thats for sure.

Yup, they’re in sweats or jammies. The boys’ hats make them appear put together, right?

I have good people. Great people. People who love me even when I suck. And today, I suck.